July 19

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Gargamel wanted to see the few of Orion's Stars that returned. Mother Nature was angered by this. So, she made it cloudy. She did not want Gargamel to wake Patrick up before he had to go to work. Patrick had a job now, and he had to work Tuesdays through Fridays, and the morning was going to be Tuesday. Gargamel set an alarm anyway, and he saw the clouds. "Mother Nature will you make it clear up please? I want to see Orion's stars." he said. "Naturally no, because I will do my best to make sure you cannot see a single star in Orion until August. I naturally have plans every year to make you only able to see Orion between the dates of August 1st and April 25th." Mother Nature said. "Too bad, clouds are not, I'm waking everyone up at 4:45 in the morning anyway! So that I can yell "Orion I know you're there in the sky, will you marry me? And you look like a man sitting on the toilet!" all dawn long!" Gargamel said. To that, Patrick said if Gargamel wakes him up before he has to get up for work, he would surely punish Gargamel for it. Gargamel didn't listen, in the 4:45 a.m. alarm that had a soundtrack of him screaming Orion looks like a man sitting on the toilet went off. Patrick woke up, and he got really mad. He then punished gargamel. "You are not allowed to go stargazing for the rest of the week!"he said. Gargamel tried to beat up patrick, but then Mother Nature woke up, got her one, and tied Gargamel to his bed in vines, so that he could not escape his bed, and so that Patrick's punishment would be given out to Gargamel. Gargamel cried over Orion after he got tied in vines.

Gargamel went to sleep. He had another Orion dream. This time, Gargamel was the Democratic nominee and Orion was the incumbent Republican president. Orion was behaving like Trump, only he didn't have the Cheeto skin color. "What we need is to change hunting laws, no excuses. Also, we need to ban Gargamel for saying that I look like a man sitting on the toilet. Vote for me in November. I also want to build a wall  to protect us from animals coming into the country." Orion said. Gargamel then said "Do we still hear this idiot? Or are you ignoring him like I am? Orion obviously needs to go back into the sky, because he's not fit to be a president here on Earth of any country. He wants to build a wall, he also wants to ban people from all the countries around the world except for Greece. In fact, Orion is technically a Greek citizen, so I don't know why he's President right now, he is illegally in office. Also, he hasn't been handling monkeypox or coronavirus well. Also, when I was vice president with Mother nature's president, we had an economic boom. Orion caused an economic recession. And how did he handle that? Terribly! So vote for me as president."
Chris Wallace was there moderating the debate. He then asked Orion this "What about the princess that you raped in ancient greece? And what about the American women claiming that you had affairs without their consent in the present?" Wallace asked. "Oh, Merope I go way back. I still text her. But she never responds, she's mean to me, Gargamel's mean to me, Mother Nature was mean to me, Zeus was mean to me, Artemis at the end of my life was mean to me, Apollo is extremely mean to me, Scorpius killed me, and should be squashed like the little bug he is instead of being up as a constellation for being mean to me. And also, as for the girls they claim I raped them, they can shut the hell up. I did not rape them in any shape or form." Orion said. "This is another reason why you should vote for me, because Orion got impeached for claims that he raped women. And for something that happened before he was president, thousands of years before his president, when he raped Merope. He should be in jail for what he's done. He should have been in King Oenopion's dungeon in his castle the moment after he raped her. But instead, somehow he eventually wound up becoming a constellation instead of ending up in jail. But he's going to be returning to the sky as a constellation instead if he loses the election, so I can't make that happen. But if he were staying on earth, I would definitely have him in jail." Gargamel said.

Gargamel then won the election a few weeks later, and then he woke up from the dream. "Guys, I beat Orion in the election! I'm President!" Gargamel said. Mother Nature asked him where all this came from. Gargamel then told her the amazing dream he had. Instead of saying his Orion is a man sitting on the toilet joke, now he was instead ranting about how Orion is a bad politician.

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