July 29th 2023

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Gargamela immediately wanted to see Orion as it was returning. Mother nature though had plans for thunderstorms. When gargamel heard thunder he said "how dare you trying to stop me you little b****!"and then he used the tonic to try to clear the skies before the storms hit. "Naturally no you don't! Stop I don't want you to see Orion ever. You've already seen two of it's Stars that's enough of a peek until august. Also we better be careful out here cuz I hear my storm creations rolling in plus there's raccoons fighting. Can't you hear them?" Mother nature said "oh I hear them, they're loud. I hope they're not rabid and that they don't come this way." Patrick said. While mother nature was distracted talking to patrick, gargamel used his tonic and of course, how did it turn out? He spotted bellatrix. "NATURALLY OH NO!!!" mother nature exclaimed "there's BELLATRIX, at least I get to see one of Orion's stars today, which makes me happy now. He looks like a man sitting on the toilet!" Gargamel exclaimed. "Naturally Gargamel, I loathe you, I despise you... You have to say your joke every time you see Orion. And my thunder creations are getting closer we better get shelter now. The human say for my storm creations when thunder roars go indoors and I think we should listen to that, but however leave Gargamel out here because I think he should be struck by lightning as punishment for saying his joke at this hour of the morning and screaming it." Mother nature said. Gargamel was upset to mother nature's idea of him getting struck by lightning and so the two started arguing and woke up some neighbors and people were worried now. Turns out Mother Nature was drunk and so was Gargamel. While they were arguing, Gargamel then caught a sight of Betelgeuse and screamed his joke in Mother Nature's ear. "I will strike you with lightning I swear to God" mother nature exclaimed. Gargamel then took her storm wand and turned her into a storm cloud. That was a bad idea though and Mother Nature did just what she's wanted to do, she struck Gargamel with lightning in the butt and he came screaming because his ass was on fire.

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