August 5

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Gargamel saw Orion in the morning of August 5th. He yelled out that Orion looks like a man sitting on the toilet. Mother Nature was fed up with his problems. He was going crazy about this Orion is a man sitting on the toilet thing. Then despite Orion is the only one there, and Sirius was below the Horizon, the Gargamel said Are you Siriusly Sirius. Then Mother Nature sent him to bed with vines. Gargamel became upset when he couldn't see Orion. Also a deer was staring at them while they were outside. Patrick was scared the deer would chase them and run them over. Mother Nature has ever used her natural powers to make the deer not chase them. She then told her deer not to chase them. She said that if her deer would go chasing them that she would promise the deer would go on to become a deer meat steak. She then threatened further that then she'll have it for her very next meal. They then got past the deer and it was gone. Then they got to see Orion. Soon it was Daylight, they went to get slushies, all this stuff. Then later in the evening something's going on. Police are chasing someone meanwhile in the neighborhood. This person, whether a criminal or not, was being chased by police. The person ran through someone's yard and then fell off a cliff. The person was in critical condition. Mother Nature went to get slushies at night for the sleepover people. She then ran into this obstacle. When she saw the police she used her magic to turn herself into a mortal person in appearance. Then she wouldn't be recognized by the police, and wouldn't get in trouble or anything. The police helped her detour through the area. Eventually she brought home the slushies, and although she planned on taking half an hour to get back, it took about 55 to 65 minutes tops round trip. Then everyone went stargazing. Everyone saw two meteors at about 11:20 to 11:30 p.m. it was a nice little patch of meteors.

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