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The song mentioned in this chapter is up top enjoy!

Yeonjun and his band had a gig tonight and Soobin was always way more excited than them.

"When you win what do you wanna go out and eat for dinner? My treat."

"You two are so gross." His bandmate Ryujin said as she twirled one of her drumsticks.

"Please you and Yeji are the same way." He said putting his arm around Yeonjun's shoulder.

"We are not-"

"RYUJIN!" Her girlfriend Yeji ran over and hugged her, huge smile from ear to ear. "I was scared I wasn't gonna make it, traffic was horrible. You all break a leg!"

Ryujin smiled at her. "Thanks babe we will." Yeji pecked her cheek.

"I told you~" Soobin sang teasingly.

"Oh shut up."

"Don't rub your relationships in my face." The bass player Hyunjin said. "I hate all of you."

"Jinnie you'll find someone it's fine." The other electric guitar player Changbin said.

"Next up is Black Hell!"

"That's us." Yeonjun said.

Soobin pecked his lips. "You'll do great."

They all went up on stage while Soobin and Yeji went out front and center in the audience.

Yeonjun went to the mic.

"We're Black Hell and we're do a cover of A Winter's Day Monologue."

(A/N: I love this song it's probably the reason my hearing is horrible 😂)

Ryujin counted them off and Yeonjun immediately started singing.

"It's getting harder to believe, I'm thinking anybody else can see the writings on the walls but my notebooks on the shelf..."

Like always Soobin fell harder for him if even possible.

"They sound better and better each and every time right!" Yeji yelled over the music.


They didn't speak for the rest of the song, wanting to focus on them and the song.

They finished and of course Yeji and Soobin were louder than the crowd that night, making Yeonjun Cover his mouth as he laughed a little.

They exited the stage and the crowd voted.


"Baby you did great." Soobin spoke over dinner.

"Not good enough since we came in second." He murmured as he played with his noodles.

"Junnie come on eat something."

He sighed and stood. "Can we go home now?"

"No." He took his hand and pulled him to sit in his lap. "Junnie I don't understand why you try so hard to be the best. Whether you come in first, second, or tenth I still think it's worth celebrating. You did great no matter what."

Yeonjun blushed and looked away from him.

"Thanks." He murmured.

"Of course cutie." He pecked his cheek. "Come on and eat." He started to feed him.

"I can feed myself Soobin and let me sit back on the-"

"Nope I like you here."

Yeonjun sighed and let him continue feeding him.

My Boyfriend | YeonbinWhere stories live. Discover now