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"I thought I told you to piss off!" Yeonjun snapped.

"But your dropped this." Soobin said out of breath from chasing him.

Yeonjun snatched the wallet. "Thanks now leave me alone."

"I can't do that."

"And why the hell not?"

"I can't let someone as pretty as you get away from me too quickly, someone else might steal you away."

Yeonjun rolled his eyes. "Ughhh if I go out with you will you leave me alone?"


He turned his head away not looking at Soobin's bright dimpled smile anymore.



"I'll go out with you."


"Hey Junnie eat lunch with me today you are always alone."

Yeonjun closed his locker. "I prefer to be alone."

"But why?"

"People let me down, better to keep my distance."

"I wouldn't do that to you."

"That's because you have a crush on me."

Soobin chuckled. "Even so I'm not that kind of person. You can trust me."

Yeonjun laughed. "Sure whatever."

"I mean it." He took Yeonjun's hand gently to keep him from walking away. "Trusting me is your decision, proving you right is mine. Let me prove to you that you can trust me."

The older male stared at him, his eyes wide and his lips parted. For a moment he felt bubbly before it went away and he took his hand back clearing his throat.

"Whatever." He started walking away and Soobin followed him like a lost puppy and a cute smile on his face. Yeonjun turned around to look at him. "I'll eat with you."


"Y-You are being insane."

"I won't come down until you give me an answer."

Yeonjun's face was tomato red, he was flustered while watching Soobin stand on the cafeteria table with a bouquet of flowers.

"CHOI SOOBIN!" Yeonjun yelled at him. "Get down right now!"

"No can do."

He covered his face before letting out a sigh.

"Okok fine!"


"I'll go to prom with you just get down!"

He hopped off the table and embraced him.

"I'm so happy!" He smiled from ear to ear.

Yeonjun rolled his eyes but could help but smile into his shoulder and hug him back.


Was he still the lucky one? Was all that hard work for nothing? He wouldn't say they were. Every moment in life is a lesson whether you realize it or not.

So what was he getting taught right now?

"I'm going to band practice." He was lying straight to his face with a smile.

You aren't going to band practice. Is what he wanted to say. You are going to the club to see him. WHY?

Soobin smiled at him. "You're a little dressed up for band practice."

Yeonjun shrugged, he was wearing a white crop top and black ripped skinny jeans. "This old thing?"

"Maybe I could join you this time?" Soobin asked already knowing his answer.

"I want the song to be a surprise. I think you'll like it, we put a lot of work into it."

"You make it sound like you made it."

"Because I did." He said with a proud smile. "So look forward to it."

Soobin nodded. "I will."

Yeonjun leaned down and kissed Soobin who was sitting on the bed while watching him get ready.

"I love you."

"...I love you too."

Yeonjun ruffled up his hair. "Don't wait up!" He called as he left.

Soobin took his phone and quickly dialed Olivia's number.

"He left are you outside?"

"Yeah I see him walking now." There was a pause. "Okay he's far enough come on."

Soobin grabbed his black hoodie and ran to the door throwing his shoes on before leaving his house.

He met with Olivia who was hiding behind a car, she waved him over and they quickly followed Yeonjun making sure to be discreet about it.

Yeonjun walked a few blocks before turning a corner and coming to the entrance to the club. There was a line, they went across the street to get a better look.

Olivia put her hood up and took out a cigarette lighting to make it seem more natural, like they were two people just talking and not following him.

Soobin took out his phone and started taking pictures, it was time he confronted Yeonjun about these things.

He took pictures of him waiting, then one of...Mingi walking over?

He lied to him again to meet up with this guy?

He froze for a moment and then snapped out of it taking more pictures, one of them talking, another of Yeonjun laughing at something Mingi said and another of...

Olivia gasp and covered her mouth, Soobin felt like throwing up.

The last picture was of Mingi kissing his boyfriend.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Hi everyone I start my new work shift tomorrow and I'm excited about the sleep I'll finally be getting 😁

Also double update for this book after I finish up with a request for Passion Fruit

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