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Because you asked nicely again

They had been standing in silence for the past fifteen minutes before Mrs. Choe opened her mouth again.

"Daniel I can explain..."

Yeonjun shakes his head as he steps back, away from the woman he cried over for months. The woman he thought was dead, he blamed himself for years just for her to be standing in front of him like some ghost.

Why was his past out to haunt him?

"Daniel please-"

But he had already ran out and Soobin was right behind him.

"Yeonjun!" He called running after him.

He was fast, he didn't know where he was going but he knew he needed to get away from everything and everyone as fast as he could.

He was about to cross the street but Soobin yanked him back and into his arms right as a car flew by them.

"Fuck Yeonjun you could've gotten hurt or worse!"
He yelled gripping his arms tightly as he looked down at him. "Don't you ever do that again!"

He watched as Yeonjun's bottom lip began to tremble and then he was crying. Soobin sighed and pulled him into a hug feeling him shake in his arms.

"I'm sorry." He whispers. "I shouldn't have yelled and I know you must be confused right now. I didn't know she was your mom."

Yeonjun didn't speak, he couldn't he just let out pain filled sobs before Soobin picked him up getting strange looks as he walked him all the way home with him on his back.

Once Yeonjun calmed down, they sat on the couch, Soobin sat down some hot tea for him which Yeonjun quietly thanked him for before taking a sip, sighing at the warmth.

"What's on your mind?" Soobin asks breaking the silence.

"So much." He says. "We thought she was dead Soobin. We thought we lost the one person who loved me and Beomgyu. I blamed myself for years after she was gone, I never forgave myself for what happened. I had nightmares for years and you know that!"

Soobin remembered waking up to Yeonjun crying and shaking in his sleep, he wouldn't be able to get him back to sleep. He remembered how scared he looked, how he would cry and cry and cry until he was basically hyperventilating.

He hated seeing him that way, and the memories of back then made his heart break all over again.

"I'm so confused a-and upset. All this time she never came back for us knowing what kind of man he was, knowing we were in danger. She started a new life and forgot about us."

Soobin touched his leg and Yeonjun stood.

"I'm sorry I need to be alone." Then he retreated to the guest room locking himself in.

Shut out.

He was shutting him out like how they first met, but he could understand. He couldn't even comprehend how he must've felt but he could go talk to someone to get answers.

He returned to the bakery and he could hear gentle cries coming from the back of the store. It should've been opened by now but the closed sign was still in sight.

He slowly made his way to the back and he saw her sitting on the floor crying her eyes out.

"M-Mrs. Choe...or Choi?"

She jumped and looked at him. "Soobin...'m sorry." She whispered.

"What happened? Why did you disappear?"

She sighed deeply. "After I was taken, I was...beaten, tortured, starved...raped repeatedly." He whispered. "I became soulless, I wanted to die Soobin so bad there was nothing I wanted more than for them to kill me."

"I'm so sorry."

"I couldn't be a mother after that. I wasn't the same, I wasn't strong enough to face them after what happened and definitely not their father. I was scared so I ran away. I came here, changed my name and after a lot of therapy I recovered. Opened this place, met you, I was finally okay. And not once did I think about going to get them, I thought about them everyday Soobin but I couldn't save them."

She broke out into tears and Soobin hugged her.

"You must think I'm a horrible mother." She cried.

"I think you did the best you could." He whispered as he rubbed her back. "You've been through so much."

"I'm sitting here cuddled up with my son's boyfriend." Soobin chuckled as she moved away from him after she realized the situation was weird. "How is he?"

"He's not doing too well. He locked himself in his room."

She wiped her face. "And my poor baby boy has no idea." She gasped. "Is Ben okay?"

"Yes he's alright."

She sighed in relief. "...Dongjun is still alive."

It wasn't a question but she had a feeling.

"Yes ma'am, he is."

He handed her a paper towel to wipe her face.

"Thank you."

"This has nothing to do with me but Yeonjun is all I care about. His happiness is my happiness and his health is my health. I need him to be okay."

"I understand."

"You two need to talk. All of you. Including Beomgyu."

"I know." She whispered. "Bring him back when he's ready."

"I will. Would you like me to walk you home? You shouldn't work like this." He says as he helps her up.

She smiled weakly. "Work empties my mind. I need this right now, but thank you." She hugs him. "He's so lucky to have you." She pulled away to look at him. "Continue to take care of him please?"

"Of course ma'am."

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

His mom is alive and the next few chapters are going to be an emotional roller coaster

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