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What's the best way to wake up?

Well obviously to Soobin it was giving his lovely boyfriend some tongue action on his southern regions to wake him.

He watched as Yeonjun let out a moan every once in awhile as he licked and kissed it all over before putting it in his mouth.

He sucked before he started to slowly bob his head.

"Mmm~" He moved his head to the side. "Nngh~"

His legs twitched and moved a little but Soobin held them still.

"S-Soobin~" He looked at him thinking he was awake now but he was still asleep while moaning his name. "Binnie~"

He hummed around him making Yeonjun moan, his hands moved down to Soobin's head.

"Aah~" when Soobin slipped a finger inside of him he finally woke up. "Oh fuck!" He came and his back arched deliciously off the bed.

Soobin swallowed but kept fingering him before moving his tongue inside of him.

"Binnie w-wait I just-aahhh!" He bit his lip as he moved his ass against his face. "Fuck baby please!"

He covered his mouth feeling himself getting louder.

"Mhm." He took his tongue out. "Move your hand."


"Move. It."

Yeonjun did so and then Soobin grabbed his hands keeping them down before he went back to rimming him.

He knew how loud Yeonjun was when it came to this and his boyfriend was well aware which is why he always covered his mouth but not this time. Soobin wanted to hear all of it, every gasp, moan, whimper, he wanted to hear it.

"Soobin fuck I can't!" He bit his lip. He didn't want to be loud it was embarrassing.

"It's okay baby." And when he hit a certain spot Yeonjun was in heaven.

"Right there Soobin!" He yelled gripping his hands. Soobin let go of them and one hand went to his hair while the other to his cock, pumping it to the rhythm of his tongue.

"Shit just like that please!" He let out a loud moan. "Aahhh~gonna cum again!"

Soobin took his tongue out and immediately moved up putting his own cock inside of him taking Yeonjun by surprise. He pinned Yeonjun's hand above his head and started pounding into him.

"Oh Binnie!" He scratched his back. "Fuck you're so so good!"

"You like it?" Yeonjun nodded vigorously while moaning. "I like fucking you too." His thrusts became harder, he admired the way his boyfriend's body would jerk and move up the mattress.

"I love watching you come undone underneath me, your tight hole practically begging for me to fill you to the brim." He said, his voice breathy and husky.

Yeonjun blushed heavily still moaning continuously.

"Funny how you become such a princess in bed. No one would believe me if I told them how you act."

"Wanna cum!"

"Hold it."


He held both wrists in one hand while the other grabbed his leg bending it before thrusting again and fuck the moan Yeonjun let out was the sexiest thing Soobin ever heard.

"You wanna cum?"

"Mhm~" tears running down his face, words no longer leaving his lips just slutty moans.

"You want me to cum inside of you?"

"Mhmmm~" His eyes rolled to the back of his head and he came, Soobin admired the way he was trying to roll his hips against him to get more friction. "Aah daddy shit!"

Soobin came almost immediately hearing Yeonjun moan out 'daddy'.

"Fuck Junnie."

"Don't stop!" He cried. "Fuck don't stop keep going shit please please!" Still moving underneath him, his hands still pinned or he would've pushed Soobin down by now.

"Haah Yeonjun!" He flipped him so he was on his stomach. "You're so sexy baby."

The compliment made Yeonjun melt, Soobin started thrusting again and he gripped the sheets underneath him.

"Oh God!" He cried out. "Fuck me Soobin!"

He held onto the headboard of the bed with one hand as the other pushed his face into the sheets. Yeonjun was gone when he pulled his hair, he scratched and mewled more.

"You sound like such a whore."

"'M a whore~" He moaned drunkenly. "Want Binnie's cock all the time!" He sniffled. "Want you to fuck me like this all the time!"

"Be careful what you wish for." He whispered to him letting his hand wrap around his neck gripping ever so slightly.

"Gonna cum 'm gonna cum a-again." He slurred out and he did.

Soobin watched as his body went almost completely limp, he was exhausted and to keep from hurting him he rode out his orgasm before pulling out.

"Y-You didn't cum?" He asked tiredly.

"I can rub one out later."

Yeonjun wanted to help but sleep came almost immediately.

Soobin smiled at him and kissed his head before dealing with his situation and then taking Yeonjun to get cleaned up.

When he woke up an hour later Soobin was sitting in the living room area watching tv.

Yeonjun went to join him and Soobin offered some fruits that were brought by the workers.

"Thank you." He fed him some and he hummed. "Yummy."

"So we missed our massage."

He laughed. "Not my fault."

"Wanna walk around then?"


They held hands while walking around the island.

"Um Yeonjun?"


"Look I know this is supposed to be a vacation away from the mess and I didn't wanna bring this up but...I realized there is a whole chapter of your life I know nothing about."

Yeonjun gave him a weak smile. "You wanna know?"

"If you want to tell me if you don't want to then-"

"No no Binnie its okay. I understand how you feel, I'd feel the same way too. I'll tell you back at the room, okay?"


*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Next chapter we learn about Yeonjun's past 😁

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