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Yeonjun's eyes fluttered opened and he groaned a little. His head was pounding, what was going on?

"Junnie?" Soobin came into his view. "Are you alright? I almost called someone."

"'M fine." He touched his head feeling a cold rag.

"You were burning up, I had to recool the rag a few times." He helped him sit up. "It has to be the stress, I'm sorry for bringing this up."

"Binnie it's not your fault." He sighed. "I'll admit I've been stressed out ever since the first call from

"But they didn't know where we were."

"They weren't supposed to be able get my number." He touched his head again. "I'm losing my touch."

"What do you mean?"

He lifted his shirt showing him the wound from when they wen to LA. "In all my years doing this, I've never had a single bullet touch my skin before. If I can't protect myself then how am I supposed to-"

"Junnie please stop talking like that. We're in paradise right now, we're safe, remember that."

He nodded. "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize." He kissed his cheek. "Rest I'll get you something to eat." Yeonjun watched him leave the room before he looked over at his phone.

He stared at it for a moment before reaching over and dialing someone's number.

"...hi...yeah it's me don't act so surprised...look I need a favor and you owe me remember?...just this once and we'll go back to hating each know this is something that would've made mom happy, just give me this and maybe I'll consider your offer...thanks bye." He hung up when Soobin entered the room.

"Here you go."

He smiled at him. "Thank you Binnie."


A week in paradise flew by a lot faster than the both of them would have wanted but they had a great time.

They unpacked as soon as they got home since Yeonjun knew they wouldn't if they waited later. After a long flight they wanted to relax but Yeonjun had other things in mind.

"We are meeting someone at the nearby café."

Soobin cocked an eyebrow. "We just got back, you wanna leave?"

"Soobin it's important please just come with me."

He saw the seriousness in his eyes and immediately stood. "Okay I'm right here with you." He took his hand and let Yeonjun lead him out the house.

They walked two blocks down to the cafe and sat down at the table near the window. Yeonjun sat nervously in his seat as they waited.

"Who are we meeting?"

"Someone I really don't wanna see right now, if your life wasn't in danger I would have never did this."

Yeonjun's eyes focused on something behind him, he turned and watched a guy with black hair that was in a wolf cut walk in.

He looked angry and kind of intimidating. His eyes wondered over to their table and he seemed to roll his eyes before walking over.



He sat down. "It's so nice to see you." He murmured, obvious sarcasm in his voice.

"I wish I could say the same."

He looked at Soobin and then sat up staring at him. "So you're the guy who sweeper Danny off his feet."

"Uh-huh yeah? And you are?"

He chuckled and then looked at Yeonjun. "You didn't tell him about your brother? Typical."

"I did he's just never seen you dumbass."

"So you're Beomgyu, but he called you Ben."

"That's my English name and my birth name. But only close people are allowed to call me Ben, so you, will call me Beomgyu."

"Don't be rude."

"Don't talk to me like I'm a child!" He snapped. "What do you want, why did you beg me to come meet you? You've been avoiding me all this time."

"Because we've been shot at because of Dongjun. I'm shabby and I need Soobin to be able to protect himself so I need...I need your help retraining me and training him." He explained.

He glared at him. "And why should I help you again?"

"Ben please. It's what mom would want and you know that."

"Don't use mom to try and get what you want."

"I'd never do that." He sighed. "But it's the truth. You know it is, so help us. Help me." Beomgyu didn't say anything. "Ben I can't lose him." He whispered to him in English.

"Fine." He replied in English. "But after this I don't owe you shit." He stood. "Hurry up I have things to do."

Yeonjun stood. "We're leaving Binnie." He said in Korean.

"What were you two saying? I couldn't hear."

"Nothing important." He kissed his cheek. "Just follow Beomgyu."

They followed him to a martial arts studio a few blocks from the cafe.

"Get changed and meet me back out here." He said taking his shoes off.

"Come on Soobin." He lead him to the back and they changed into some of the extra clothes they had available, something easy to move in, just the basic shirt and shorts.

They got back and Beomgyu sighed. "You." He pointed to Soobin. "Stretch over there." Soobin hesitated but did so. "Let's see how horrible you are."

Yeonjun got ready and they ran at each other, Soobin watched in awe how well he could fight. This entire time he really could've gotten his ass handed to him so many times. He made a mental note not to piss him off.

Beomgyu did a roundhouse kick that sent Yeonjun flying back into the floor.

"Yeonjun!" Soobin ran over to him. "Are you alright?"

He groaned. "I don't remember that hurting so much." Soobin helped him up.

"You could've hurt him!" He snapped at Beomgyu.

"Uh yeah that's the whole point." He ran his fingers through his hair. "You weren't kidding, when we were kids I could never touch him. You've gone soft."

"Yeah well I never really had a reason to fight anymore." He kept rubbing his chest. "I'll just retrain with you and Bin."

"You're training me?" Soobin asked.

"Just a few Taekwondo moves, it will help me sleep at night if you have some martial arts knowledge."

If it would help him sleep of course Soobin was all in.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

I didn't go to school again today I woke up throwing up my guts I have no idea why 💀

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