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Here you go!!!

Yeonjun never took his eyes off of Dongjun as he continued to point that gun at his boyfriend.

"You must really care about him if you dare point a weapon at me."

"I love Soobin, if killing you meant keeping him safe then I'd do what I need to."

Soobin would smile at that if it wasn't for the fact that he was about to shit his pants.

Dongjun put his gun away and went back to his desk.

"I hope that was enough evidence to save your relationship." He sat down with an amused smile.

Yeonjun looked at Soobin and he nodded.

"Yeah it's fine, we're leaving."

"So soon? We barely got to speak."

"I said we're leaving." Yeonjun took Soobin's hand and they marched right out of the office, the older started to jog a little and looked for another way out.

"Where are you going?"

"I don't trust him to let us leave easily." He started looking around his other study and messed with the bookshelf. "I used to sneak in here as a kid with Beomgyu, we used to take the tunnels outside so we didn't have to train."

He pulled one of the books and the shelf slid over.

"Whoa." Yeonjun took his hand and pulled him along, the sound of the shelf sliding closed behind them sent shivers down Soobin's spine.

This was all so surreal.



Soobin stopped walking, making Yeonjun stop and look at him worried.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry for-"

"I doubted you and I feel horrible for the way that I acted."

Yeonjun held his hand. "I didn't give you a choice, I don't blame you. Look, we'll talk once we get out of here and-"

Alarms started blaring making Soobin jump a little.

"What's going on?" Soobin asked.

"Like I said, I didn't trust him to let us leave easily." He took his gun out. "Stay behind me."

"I should be in front."

"That's a very sweet way of you trying to say you'd take a bullet for me, but I much rather you not. Just stay behind me." They started making their way quickly down the hall and came to a latter that went up and to a vent.

Yeonjun climbed up and waited.

"Where did they go?" A guard said.

"Doesn't matter just find them!" Another yelled.

He waited longer until he couldn't hear footsteps before pushing the vent up and climbing out, he helped Soobin as well and looked around.

"That way." They started running towards the woods that surrounded the area.

"There they are!" Someone yelled and then they started firing shots. "Kill the other guy but he wants Yeonjun alive!"

They ducked and Yeonjun turned around quickly shooting back behind him as a group started to run towards them.

"Go run!" He yelled.

"I'm not leaving you!"

"Damn it Soobin go!"


"I can't lose you!" Yeonjun yelled. "Shit I don't have time for this!" He shoved him back. "Go!" He turned around and started shooting again.

He managed to kill two of them before he ran out of bullets.

"Fuck!" He tossed his gun and got into his fighting stance. He fought them off as best as he could, he could see another group rushing towards him. They were going to take him and kill Soobin, and it would be his fault.

"AHHHHHH!" Soobin ran over with a large stick he found and hit one of the guys in the eye cutting him.

Yeonjun kicked the other back and grabbed Soobin's arm turning to run.

They ducked under branched and dodged trees, they could hear gun shots behind them, the sound of the bullets flying past them rang in their ears.

They came to a highway between the woods and the city.

Yeonjun went over the rail and Soobin followed, neither looked back knowing those guards weren't far behind.

They ran out, cars honked and swerved but there were no accidents and they didn't get hit as they ran across eight lanes of traffic.

They didn't stop running until they got back to the motel. Chest heaving and faces dripping with sweat.

" fucking idiot!" Yeonjun hit his chest. "You could've died are you crazy? I told you to-mmph."

Soobin held his face kissing him, Yeonjun's eyes fluttered closed as he kissed him back.

"I'm so glad you're okay. I'm glad I was right about everything, I shouldn't have listened to them I knew you wouldn't hurt me like that."

Yeonjun smiled at him. "I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble." He murmured. "I...I understand if you wanna break up with me Soobin."

"I would never do that because of something like this."

"You wanna...stay?"

"Remember that date, the one where I told you I love you. I said I wanted the good and the bad, I wanted to love every part of you and your life."

"Soobin." He whispered and hugged him. "I was so scared you'd leave me."

"You can always trust me baby you should know that by now. I'm here, till the end of the world."

Yeonjun looked at him when he said the lyric from his song. "You...liked it?"

"I cried it was beautiful Yeonjun."

"Binnie I'm-ow!" He looked down and saw blood seeping through his shirt. "Shit."

He lifted his shirt and saw a large but not too deep, cut across his stomach. His adrenaline must've kept him from noticing it.

"Oh my God you're hurt." He sat him down. "Shit what do I do? You're gonna die fuck fuck fuck!"'

"Soobin calm down it's just a flesh wound. The first aid kit is in the bathroom." He quickly got up and brought it in. "Clean it with the alcohol."

"It'll hurt."

"I can take it."

Soobin poured some on a cloth and put it on the wound.



"'M fine." He panted heavily. "I'm o-okay."

"Do you need stitches?"

"No, just the bandage is fine." Soobin put some ointment on it then the bandage. "Thank you." He laid down, he looked exhausted.

Soobin ran his fingers through Yeonjun's pink hair.


"I can't...what if they come and take you away from me? I'd never forgive myself if anything happened to you."

Soobin climbed in next to him and held him close.

"I'll be right here when you wake up."


"I promise." He whispered. "I love you."

"I love you too."

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

I'm the mafia!!!

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