Twenty Five

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Yeonjun watched as Beomgyu and Soobin sparred, he got a lot better and would actually have a chance to win if he ever got into a fight.

"Thanks for your help Beomgyu."

"Don't mention it." He grabbed his things. "So we done?"

Yeonjun frowned. "Well do we have to be? I mean you had fun right?"

Beomgyu sighed. "We both have things to take care of."

Soobin wanted to say something but when Beomgyu gave him a glare and shook his head slightly he closed his mouth. Was it really his place? But Yeonjun would want him to say something, if he was Yeonjun he would want him to say something.

"Yeonjun I have to tell you something."

They both brothers looked at him. One fuming and the other worried.

"What is it?"

"I'm warning you." Beomgyu said stepping forward.

Soobin looked at him then Yeonjun. "Beomgyu told me something."

"Told you what?" He looked back at Beomgyu. "Told him what?"



"Soobin." Beomgyu warned.

"Beomgyu told me he's-" Before he could finish he dropped his bag and ran at Soobin kicking him square in the diaphragm knocking the wind out of him.

"SOOBIN!" He ran over and checked on him. "Are you alright?"

He was too busy trying to catch his breath to answer.

"Beomgyu why did you-AAH!" He was suddenly kicked in the face.

He touched his cheek and watched him walk towards Soobin.

"Stop what are you-" He was cut off when he suddenly felt dizzy. "What...what did you do?" He asked trying to crawl over to Soobin.

"Your water I gave you early dipshit. What happened to the "don't trust anyone" rule?" He asked standing next to Soobin.

"D-Don't...don't touch him." He slowly fell unconscious and Soobin looked up at Beomgyu as he took a gun out his pocket.

"You are nothing like Yeonjun, you are a monster."

Beomgyu smirked. "I get that a lot. Now listen to me very...very closely. Dongjun has a message for you specifically, consider yourself lucky that it's not the last thing you'll ever hear."

Soobin glared at him but didn't speak.


Yeonjun woke up and groaned as the sunlight shined in his eyes.

"What hap-SOOBIN!" He jumped out of bed and ran to find him just to see the male watching tv in the living room. "Soobin are you alright?" He ran over to him. "Did he hurt you?"

"Yeah he did." He snapped and moved his hands off of him taking Yeonjun by surprise.

"Well where did he go?" He asked.

"Probably gone by now. Did you have a good beauty sleep?" Attitude filling his voice.

"...what's wrong with you?"

Soobin didn't look at him. "Nothing." He murmured.

Yeonjun sat next to him. "I'm sorry he hurt you Soobin I didn't think he would-"

"That's your problem!" He stood up. "You don't think. I'm tired of getting hurt because of you and your family, my life has been put in danger way more than I would like!"

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