THIRTY EIGHT (rewritten)

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Soobin got into his fighting stance and Yeonjun just stared at him blankly.

"Boys come on don't do this." Isabelle says.

"I'm not letting you do this alone, I'm going with you."

The male sighed and walked up to him. He grabbed him by the collar and pulled him down into a kiss. Soobin melted and then Yeonjun grabbed his shoulder and pinched him in a spot that made him fall unconscious.

Yeonjun gently laid him on the floor.

"I'm sorry Soobin." He whispers and then grabs his bags. "Let's go mom."

When Soobin woke and saw that they were gone he cursed and quickly stood up running to his room to make a phone call.


They eventually land in LA and sneak in through Dongjun's facility having to take out a few guards before going in through a window.

Isabelle jumped down from the window landing on a guard and knocking him unconscious.

"You still got it mom." He says impressed.

Isabelle flips her hair dramatically. "Well y'know."

"You really haven't aged a day over 20 Huh?"

"Oh sweetie you flatter me." She playfully smacks his shoulder.

They start walking and Isabelle works up a conversation.

"So you and Ben?"

"We grew apart after you "died", he blamed me but I think he was just really angry with himself too and pushed me away."

"Your brother did do that a lot." She sighs. "I'm glad even though after all these years you both still clearly love each other."

He smiles to himself. "Yeah."

"Does he have a girlfriend orrr-"

"Something tells me he pretends he doesn't like one of our friends Taehyun, but I can tell he thinks he's cute."

She shrieks. "I'm so happy for you." She takes her gun out and turns around shooting a guard that was stalking behind them. "You boys make me so happy."

Yeonjun blinks a few times and shrugs it off.

"So how do we find my baby?"

"I don't know this place is huge."

"...have you tried calling him?"

They stare at each other blankly as Yeonjun slowly takes out his phone to call him.

"Aish Choi Yeonjun!" She starts yelling at him in Korean talking faster than he could comprehend.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry." He says in English and then Beomgyu picks up.


"Yeonjun? What do you want?"

"Soobin told me what happened."

Beomgyu sucks his teeth. "I knew I couldn't trust that softy. Don't come looking for me."

"It's too late I'm already here."

"Then go home where you're safe. I'm on my way to see father right now in his office."

"Ben wait don't! Look you'll never believe this but-"

"Daniel don't make this harder than it has to be. I have to go, get on the next flight back, Soobin needs you." And he hangs up.

"Damn it!" He yells tucking his phone back in his pocket.

"What's wrong?"

"He's on his way to see Dongjun let's go!" They start running and two more guards turn the corner seeing the two.

Yeonjun slides on the floor kicking one of their legs making him fall over before quickly punching him the jaw knocking him out.

Isabelle jumped up wrapping her legs around his neck before swinging him down to the ground and landing on her feet. She kicked him and they quickly started running down the hall again.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

I added some action but I'm still mad about having to rewrite it 😭😤🗿

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