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"How did your presentation go for that class?" Soobin asked while holding hands with Yeonjun.

"It was good, I gotta an A so I'm happy."

"That's great, hey a kungfu movie marathon is coming on tonight wanna watch it with me?"

"Oh I can't I'm supposed to meet up with a friend after school for another project."

"Okay another time then. So how long will you be gone?"

"It shouldn't be too long."

"I see, well let me at least feed you first." He pinched his cheek smiling at him making Yeonjun blush.

"Cut it out I'm older than you."

"And? You are such a little baby~" He cooed.

"I'm a man Soobin."

Soobin treasured these little moments the most. When they bickered like how they first met, it always made him laugh and remind him of those butterflies he'd get just from making eye contact with Yeonjun.

It was funny how fast and hard he fell for him but he was grateful that Yeonjun caught him.

"Let's go to our favorite lunch spot." Yeonjun said.


They walked about a block from the campus to go get pizza. Soobin opened the door for Yeonjum, smacking his ass while he walked through.

"B-Binnie!" He squealed covering his butt. "We've talked about this!" His face was turning redder by the second.

He laughed. "I'm sorry." He kissed his cheek and they went to their usual table and the same waiter took care of them.

"I'm glad to see my favorite couple again." She said. "The usual right?"

"Yep!" They chirped in unison.

"I'll be right back." She smiled before turning and walking away.

"So what's the band playing tomorrow?" Soobin asked as they waited.

"Paramore ain't it fun."

"You're really good at singing in English, I don't think I ever asked how?"

"My mom always encouraged us to be bilingual, "it will open a lot of opportunities for you" is what she'd always say."

"I understand, that was smart of her, starting young."

"Mhm it worked out."


Soobin sat home alone watching tv while Yeonjun was out working on his project.

He had been gone about three hours now but it wasn't late so he was worried, not until he got a phone call.


"Hey Bin."

"Oh hey Ryujin what's up?"

"Yeonjun is late for band practice can you tell him to hurry up. Don't tell me you two rabbits are going at it again."

"What no? Yeonjun isn't here didn't he tell you he's doing a project?"

"No he said he was going to head home after school and rewrite some things for the gig tomorrow."

Soobin was confused, why did he say two different things?

"Have you tried calling him?"

"Yeah multiple times his phone must be off, where is he, at the library?"

My Boyfriend | YeonbinWhere stories live. Discover now