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Because of college and a bunch of other life issues I'm behind on the other stories so I'm gonna double update this one. Love you and I'm sorry

Soobin laid in bed facing the wall with his back to the door. He laid awake for awhile until he heard Yeonjun come back.

His footsteps grew closer to their room, the door opened quietly then closed, his footsteps moving closer to the bed.

They stopped before he heard rustling and then Yeonjun climbed in bed next to him.


He wanted to answer, it took everything for him not to roll over and hold him close but he couldn't. He was hurting a lot, was there relationship a lie? Was Yeonjun really just using him?

But the way Yeonjun looked at him...you can't fake that can you?

He decided to fall asleep as best as he could hoping the morning would come quickly and he could do more digging.


"Looks like we're partners." Soobin's classmate said to him but he was still out of it and didn't hear her. "Uhhh you okay? Hellooo?"

Soobin jumped and looked up at the girl. "I'm so sorry." She giggled.

"It's fine."

"I'm Soobin."


"Olivia?" He asked slowly. "Your name is pretty."

She blushed. "Thanks."

"I've never met an Olivia before."

"I'm half American, my dad is Korean."

"Oh I see."

She sat next to him. "So wanna start this in the library?"

And run into Mingi and Yeonjun? Hell no.

"I have a better place."

They went back to Soobin's house instead, he didn't live far from campus and his wifi was way better anyways.

They sat on the living floor with their papers spread out everywhere.

Olivia was typing fairly quickly, Soobin was impressed. Her laptop was also really big and complicated looking, it didn't seem like an ordinary school computer.

"I'm a hacker."

"Huh?" Soobin asked.

She looked at him with an amused smile. "I can see the questions rising in your head. I'm a hacker, a computer nerd, whatever you wanna call it."

"Wow, that's amazing."

She shrugged. "One of my few talents."

"...so you can hack phones and stuff?"

"Hacking phones is a bike ride, need me to hack something for you?" She asked taking her eyes off her screen to look at him.

He bit his lip. "Please?"

"Dude of course, do you have it on you?"

"No it's my...my boyfriend's phone."

"Oh boyfriend!" She closed her laptop and faced him. "Do tell."

He didn't know what it was about this girl that made him pour his heart out to her about everything that was happening, but he did. He showed her the id, told her about the box, the lies, Mingi, everything.

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