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Beomgyu got on the helicopter and closed the door.

"Beomgyu what the hell are you doing Yeonjun is still-"

"He's not coming." Beomgyu said.


"Hey captain guy go!"

"What? NO!"

He started to lift off and Soobin went to open the door.

Beomgyu grabbed him. "Soobin stop it!"

"I'm not letting him do this alone I'm going!"

Isabelle touched Beomgyu's shoulder. "Let him go."
She whispered.


"I know sweetheart." She gently pulled him back to sit, Soobin opened the door and jumped down, thankfully they weren't that high so all he got were a few scratches on his arms and hands.

"Soobin what the fuck are you doing?" Yeonjun ran over to him. "I told you to stay in Korea, I told him to keep you on the helicopter are you trying to die you idiot!" He yelled hitting his chest over and over. "Damn it damn it!"

Soobin grabbed his wrists.

"I'm not leaving you." He took his thumb wiping his tears away.

"I never wanted...I never wanted you to know about this. If I stayed away you'd be safe I should've-"

"Nothing you could have done would have kept me away."

He looked up at him. "We might die."

He smiled and nodded. "Yeah."

"We'd need a miracle to survive this."

"I believe in miracles, I mean I got you didn't I?"

A smile spread across his face.

"Let's kick ass shall we?" He held his hand out.

"I thought you'd never ask." He took his hand and with the other he took out a grenade.


Dongjun sat in his office waiting when he looked up and saw Yeonjun walk in with Soobin.

"Those guards all need to be killed."

"My friends are handling that right now." Soobin spoke.

He chuckled. "So...what's the plan? Come here to take me to the police?"

Yeonjun shook his head. "We were thinking something more permanent."

He nodded. "You want to kill me." He smirked. "Understandable."

Yeonjun stepped forward. "You put my family through hell."

"And you're still weak. I thought I raised men-"

"I'm more of a man than you'll ever be." He got in his fighting stance.

"You're funny, I'm not gonna fight you." Someone walked in. "But he will."

They turned and Yeonjun's skin went white.

"Who the hell is he?"

"Oh he didn't tell you?" He asked closing the door behind him. "I'm Luca Ahn. Daniel's first boyfriend."

Yeonjun turned to look at his father but he was gone. "Damn it!"

"Yeonjun look out!" Soobin pushed him out the way and blocked Luca's punch before kicking him back. "You won't lay a finger on him. You can fight me."

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