Twenty Six

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"You don't mean that!" Yeonjun yelled while Soobin walked around grabbing his jacket, key, and wallet.

"Yes I do." He said bluntly.

"You love me Soobin you would never do this!"

"I just did." He was about to leave but Yeonjun got in front of the door. "Move."

He shook his head and hugged him tightly.

"No." He cried. " I won't let you go. I love you Soobin please don't do this please!"

He felt his hands on him and a flicker of hope was soon extinguished when he pried Yeonjun off of him. The look he gave him was heartless, this wasn't his Soobin.

"Where is my Soobin?" He asked slowly.

"He's gone Yeonjun." He gently moved Yeonjun to the side. "Bye."

He left and Yeonjun stood there before his legs gave out and he fell to the floor letting out the most pain filled sobs that ever left his beautiful lips.

Soobin was out almost the entire night. When he got back Yeonjun miraculously had the majority of his things packed away already and was currently in the guest room with the door closed and locked.

He didn't go and check on him he simply went to their half empty room and got himself cleaned up and went to bed.


He noticed that all the picture frames of them were turned around or faced down on something. He noticed that Yeonjun only left the room when Soobin was in the shower or locked away in his bedroom.

At school they didn't acknowledge each other and all of Yeonjun's friends stopped talking to Soobin.

"You can come stay with me until we can completely move you out." Soobin heard Hyunjin say to Yeonjun one day.

"No its alright. I'll be out soon."

Ryujin wanted to kill him along with Changbin.

Taehyun had heard about everything that happened and was completely shocked and confused.

"You broke up with the guy you've been head over heals for, for almost five years for what?" He asked while they walked to class.

"Yeonjun has a horrible lifestyle and I'm done dealing with it. It was putting me in danger so I couldn't do it anymore." He answered.

"Dude that's crazy. I never would've thought you would do that, it must've been really bad hm?"

Soobin didn't say anything, he just kept walking with Taehyun blabbering away next to him.

Yeonjun was crying to Hyunjin's shoulder for probably the tenth time today.

"He left me Hyunjin." He suddenly stood and started pacing around. "I was so in love with him how could he do this to me? He said everything was okay he's liar!" He kicked a trashcan and it went flying across the street hitting a car.

"Uh oh." He grabbed Yeonjun's arm and quick walked away. When was Yeonjun so strong?

"He's a fool, men are stupid."

"He was my fool Jinnie we were meant to be together I know we were. Maybe I can do something to-"

"Nononono he broke up with you, all you're going to do is get your heart broken all over aga-"

He suddenly stopped walking and Yeonjun looked confused while wiping his cheeks of tears.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh nothing let's just hurry home." He turned him around.

"Jinnie what is wrong with you what did you see?"

"Nothing nothing come on walk quickly."

"No Jinnie." He pushed him away and turned around to look for what he saw, and when he saw it he didn't know how to react.

There was Soobin. His Soobin, well not anymore, but there he was, sitting with Olivia outside a coffee shop.

And they were kissing.

Pain flooded his body, his hands began to shake and he was angry, he started to walk towards him but the closer he got the more his heart ached. He suddenly stopped and turned around breaking into a run.

"YEONJUN WAIT!" Hyunjin yelled running to catch up to him.

Yeonjun was fast and lost hyunjin in a matter of seconds. He stopped and leaned against a wall as he cried, why does the universe hate him? Was this payback for all those lives he took?

And if the day couldn't get any worse...

"What's wrong baby?" He looked up and saw Mingi walking over to him.

"L-Leave me alone." He murmured weakly. He felt sick to his stomach.

"I heard Soobin dumped you?" The mention of his name had Yeonjun crying all over again. "Aww baby don't cry." He hugged him and Yeonjun weakly tried to push him away.

"Don't t-touch me."

"You're so weak I wonder why." He murmured as he rubbed his back.

Yeonjun just continued to cry.

"You know you're nothing without him. You were a good person because of him now you don't have him."

"I don't have him?" He asked slowly.

"Nope, you don't and he'll never want you again."


"Never. Who wants to be with a murderer? I wouldn't want to date you either, he suffered 5 years with you. It's time for you to come back Yeonjun, you no longer have to play pretend. You were made for a life like this."

"Come...back?" He asked weakly while looking up at him.

"Yes, your dad and I miss you. You are only good for hurting people anyways, even the one who claimed to love you the most and the one you claimed to love the most."

"I...I do love him the most."

"No you don't or you would've never hurt him right Junnie?"

Yeonjun looked scared. He hurt him so he never really loved him? Did he only think he did? Was he really only capable of hate?

"Come back and do what you are good at. Not loving someone, but hurting them because that's all you're good for. You are a bad person." He tilted his head up by his chin. "Say it."

"I'm...I-I'm a bad person."

He smirked. "Say it again."

"I'm a bad person."

"Good boy...ready to go home?"


*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Yeonjun has officially hit rock bottom
Also thanks for 10k I've been so busy and These chapters were prewritten months ago which is why there have beennno updates on the other books thank you for your patience

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