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"Yes Yeonjun?"

"I think, in another life, if we were to meet. I'd love you all the same."

"I'm glad you think so, my heart only belongs to you."


Soobin slid across the floor coughing up blood as he tried to pick himself up.

"I...I won't fight you." He said before coughing again.

"Makes killing you all the more easier." Yeonjun got on top of him and punched him over and over until Soobin couldn't see straight and everything came as a blur.

He spit out some blood in his mouth onto the floor before looking at him.

"I'm sorry." He said weakly. "We couldn't save you."

Yeonjun put his hands around his neck and started to squeeze. Soobin gasped but didn't fight, he stared up at Yeonjun, he was unrecognizable but he knew his heart better than any song.

He reached up and touched his face, Yeonjun smacked his hand away.

"Don't touch me!"

"Get off him!" Beomgyu ran over and hit him in the head with a piece of wood he found, knocking him over and off Soobin.

He gasped for air and coughed as he rubbed his neck.

"Snap out of it dumbass!" He yelled. "You're really gonna kill the person you love more than anything?"

"I was given an order-"

"The Daniel I knew didn't take orders from anyone!"

"Your Daniel isn't here anymore." He stood up.

"Junnie please!" Soobin called. "I know you're in there, I know you still have your memories."

Yeonjun pulled out his gun and pointed it at Soobin. "I've had enough of this."

Beomgyu took out his gun and pointed it at Yeonjun.

"What are you doing?" Soobin yelled at Beomgyu.

"...I made a promise." He muttered. "We've run out of options."

"But he's still in there!"

Beomgyu took his eyes off of him for a moment and Yeonjun ran at him and punched him in the jaw. He went down and did his best to defend himself as Yeonjun hit him over and over.

Beomgyu kicked him in the chest and quickly got up wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"Don't make me do this Daniel!"

"You're too weak." He spat. "It's your fault I'm even like this in the first place. If you kept your promise this would've never happened. Some brother you are."

Soobin shook his shake. "Beomgyu you know he doesn't mean that -"

"Shut up!" Beomgyu yelled. "...he's right."

He keeps his head tilted down and feels his shoulders tremble as he lets his emotions get the best of him.

" was my fault. I promised to protect you like you protected me and I failed...I deserve whatever he throws at me." He fell to his knees. "So hurry up, get it over with...I won't fight you."


"Just give up Soobin there's no point we lost!" He yelled.

He couldn't believe what he was saying.

Then he saw Beomgyu's eyes dart to a metal bar a few feet away from him. Soobin saw him nod slightly and he knew Beomgyu hadn't truly given up.

He understood what he meant as Yeonjun stood in front of him and slowly lifted his gun.

"What a waste." He whispered as his finger hovered over the trigger.

Soobin quickly grabbed the bar as Beomgyu grabbed Yeonjun's wrist keeping the gun off of him taking the male by surprise. He accidentally let off a few shots and Soobin brought his arm back and put every ounce of strength into his swing as he hit Yeonjun in the back of the head.

He fell limp to the floor and Dongjun narrowed his eyes at them as he watched.

Soobin dropped it and helped Beomgyu up as they both panted.

" trusted me enough to do that?" Soobin asked him.

"Of course."

"But...I thought you hated me?"

"Now isn't the time to question how much I care about yo-"


"AAH!" Beomgyu screamed out and fell to the floor. His thigh bled and more cries and screams left his lips.

Soobin looked over and Dongjun looked pissed.

His plan didn't go accordingly and he didn't like that.

"Make one move and I kill all of you."

Soobin slowly put his hands up as he walked over to Yeonjun making sure he was still alive which he was just knocked out.

"Hwang, grab Daniel while I watch this one." Hwang ran over and picked Yeonjun up and placed him on his shoulder. "On the plane now."

"But Beomgyu will bleed out and-"

"One son is good enough for me." Dongjun smirked and pushed him toward the plane. "Move!"

They got on and Hwang went to start everything up while Dongjun tied Soobin up.

"When Yeonjun wakes up, I'll make sure he kills you slowly." He whispered to him.

Soobin looked at Yeonjun who laid unconscious in front of him.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see when we get there now shut up!"

Soobin didn't know what to do. What could he do? He was on a plane with a crazy doctor, psychotic dad, and his brain controlled boyfriend. He was in a serious disadvantage.

And what made it worse is he could see Yeonjun starting to wake up.

There was no one here to protect him now.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Because y'all begged so well I had to

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