Twenty One

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"Gyu I said to go easy on him!" Yeonjun yelled tending to Soobin who was groaning in pain.

"He needs to know how to take an attack too." Beomgyu sighed. "How did someone like you end up with a huge softy? You used to be something."

"I am something because of him but what would you know!" He stood up. "All you know is hatred and pain, I don't let the past defy me anymore. I have a future, I can be better for myself and him!"

"You sound pathetic! I don't need anyone especially someone who is going to make me a fucking teddy bear."

"I didn't call you to get insulted, I called you because I needed your help!"

"Yeah." He laughed. "That's the only time you call me, the first time I hear from you in what? Five years?" He exclaimed. "Because you want something from me. You never once made sure I was okay you didn't care some brother you are but I'm the bad one right? Well at least I...I thought of..."

Yeonjun stared at him, his eyes softening a little.


"This is enough for today." He grabbed his things.

"Ben wait!" He left practically running out of the studio.

Yeonjun sighed and touched his head.

"Looks like you two need to talk." Soobin said standing up. "It's obvious you leaving messed with him."

"I feel bad." He murmured. "We never got along but of course I love him he's my family."

Soobin rubbed his back. "Give him some time and then talk. Maybe you should invite him to your gig this weekend."

"...good idea. He could probably use a load off too."

They grabbed their things and also headed home to get cleaned up, before they went to sleep for the night he texted Beomgyu about the gig and closed his eyes falling asleep.


The whole week Beomgyu didn't bring up the text message so it was up to Yeonjun.

"So are you going?" Yeonjun asked as they did a friendly sparring match.


"My band is playing tonight, I invited you. You should come, a lot of our friends will be there you can meet people your own age."


"Come on Ben please?"

"I'm not doing anymore favors for you."

"But this is more for you than me." Yeonjun blocked another punch. "I know Dongjun has been working you nonstop, it's a little break. I know you want to."

"If I go will you shut up?"


"Fine-whoa!" Yeonjun legged swept him causing him to fall over. "Ugh bastard!"

"Looks like I'm getting better hm?" He teased laughing. He reached his hand out to help him but he smacked his hand away and got up on his own.

"You're so annoying." He murmured. "Yah!" Soobin looked at them. "You done over there?"


Beomgyu beckoned him over. "Okay last time you tried to kick me you fell. Within a week of training I was able to break a door in half, so let's see what you can do now." He stood still. "Kick me."

Soobin looked at Yeonjun who was sitting down watching on with a smile.

" sure?"

"Yeah hurry up."

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