Twenty Two

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They got to the arcade and Yeonjun sat next to Beomgyu drinking while he watched everyone else play pool.

"Was it really bad?" He asked suddenly staring at his drink in his hands.

"Why does it matter so much to you what I think?"

" supported me and you are the closest thing I have to her." He murmured then looked over at him. "You look a lot like her you know."

Beomgyu took a gulp of his drink not looking at him. "You didn't sound would be proud."

Yeonjun lit up. "Really?"

"You really have gone soft." He shook his head. "Tell your friend to quit staring at me."

"Huh? Who?"

"That one, with the huge eyes."

Yeonjun laughed when he noticed Taehyun staring and then quickly looked away.

Looks like mister cool guy over there likes what he sees. He thought to himself. "That's Taehyun, Soobin's best friend."

Beomgyu hummed. "Well I'm gonna punch if he stared at me one more-YAH!" He put his glass down and walked over to him. "Is there a problem?"

Taehyun looked around while everyone stared at them.


"Why are you staring at me?"

His face turned red. "I'm...I'm not-"

"You are, stop doing it." He walked away from him to the pool table. "You all suck at this pass me a stick."

"'s called a cue." Changbin murmured.

Beomgyu took his gun out and pointed it at him. Everyone started to freak out.

"Ben!" Yeonjun called. "You can't kill every person who corrects you." He walked over. "Put it away before you get the cops called on us." He whispered. "They don't know anything about my past so stop."

Beomgyu sighed and put it away. "I'm leaving." He went and chugged the rest of his drink before he went to leave.

"Ben!" He was about to go after him when Soobin grabbed his hand.

"Junnie just leave him be."

"I can't he's my brother." He gently pulled his hand away and went after him. "Ben!" He looked around and saw him trying to light another cigarette but his lighter wasn't working.

"Damn it!" He threw it and a car caught on fire. They stared at it before Yeonjun started to laugh, Beomgyu snickered before he also started laughing.

"What the fuck Gyu?" He laughed.


Yeonjun leaned against the wall next to him.

"Beomgyu I really wanna fix things between us."

He sighed. "The damage has been done, I said I'd help and we'd go back to hating each other."

"...I really upset you."

"No!" He yelled. "I'm not a child, I wasn't waiting for big brother Daniel to come save me from dad. I'm not that person anymore you know!" He looked away from him. "You think you can really hurt my feelings." He scoffed rolling his eyes.

"I never..." He exhales. "Beomgyu you're my know I...I love you. Right?"

He burst into laughter. "I can't tell if you're trying to save your own ass or what?"

"I mean it Ben. Mom would-"

"There you go again. Mom this and mom that. MOM IS GONE!" Tears threatening to fall. "She's gone Daniel! And you want to fix this because of her and not for us too?"

Yeonjun mentally slapped himself. "N-No that's not what I-"

"Forget it Daniel fuck off!" He walked away and Yeonjun felt worse about the entire thing.


When training came along the next day Beomgyu didn't speak and neither did Yeonjun. The tension made Soobin uncomfortable as he watched them get ready to spar.

When they started, it wasn't their usual sparring match, it was clear Beomgyu wanted to hurt him because he wasn't holding back at all. Every kick, punch, was lead with power and precision.

"Ben-" Another kick. "Hold on-" Another punch, Yeonjun was exhausted from school so he wasn't in his best fighting ability. He stammered back doing his best to block.

He punched him square in the face. "Stop being a bitch!"

Soobin ran over kicked him in the stomach. "What's your problem?" He yelled.

Beomgyu groaned holding his stomach.

"Baby are you alright?" He helped him off the floor. "Shit look at that bruise. Let me get you some ice or something."

"No I'm alright." He wiped the corner of his mouth. "I'm done for today." He grabbed his things and left.

"Junnie!" He got his things and ran after him. "Babe!" He grabbed his arm spinning him around and saw his tears. "Baby." He sighed pulling him into a hug. "Talk to me. Does your cheek hurt?"

"Binnie I've felt worse." He sniffled. "I just feel horrible about my relationship with him. I can't help but feel that this is my fault. I left him with Dongsun, he probably thinks I never cared but in reality I thought he wanted to be there. He made it seem like he wanted to be like him and...honestly if that's what he wanted I would support him he's my brother."

He left out of few more cries. "I just...I wish I was a better brother to him. I wish I was like you with Kai, you always know what to say and I feel like I make things harder for him."

"That's not true. You can't expect to be the best brother after almost five years of not seeing him. You have to work on your relationship, just like we had to work on ours." He hugged him tighter. "Just give it time."

Yeonjun nodded while burying his face in his chest as he continued to sob, oblivious to Beomgyu listening around the corner.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

My birthday was so much fun today and I want to thank my readers again for the sweet birthday wishes I think some time next week I'm going to share something a little personal with you all I've been posting on this app for awhile now but no one knows about the anxiety I feel sometimes from posting on here

I'll go more into depth with it but I think I'm finally ready to talk about it with you all
Love you!!!!

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