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"How long has this been happening?"

Soobin's friend Taehyun asked.

"Almost a month now. All I know is he lied about studying and hung out with some guy named Mingi, he gets phone calls and texts from some unknown number and he talks on the phone to someone about some guy he won't see anymore."

"He's cheating."


"I'm sorry but what else could it be?" He exclaimed as they sat outside of a cafe. "He's being secretive about someone and he lied about what he was doing with another guy. It's obvious he isn't throwing you a party Soobin."

"Yeonjun wouldn't-"

"Dude no one knows Yeonjun. Not fully."

Soobin frowned. "What do you mean?"

"He transferred to our high school. Did he ever tell you why? Did you ever think to ask?"

Soobin thought for a moment. "No." He murmured.

"That's mystery number one, and his parents. You never met them you haven't even seen a picture of them."

"His relationship with them is complicated."

"His brother?"

"What about him?"

"They are on good terms right?"

"Well yeah-"

"So why haven't you met him?" Soobin couldn't say. "If he keeps answering your questions with that "nothing" and "no one" bullshit it's obvious what's going on."

Soobin shook his head. "You''re wrong he loves me."

"Or he's using you. Remember that God awful roommate Yeonjun had in that horrible apartment?"


"Funny how he started to fall for you once he found out you were well off."

"Take that back!" He snapped. "You have no idea what you're talking about he would never-"

"Why is he so possessive over his things?"


"When you moved him into your apartment and you both set rules."

Yeonjun gave Soobin a dark look.

"I don't like people touching my things without my permission. Stay on your side of the closet and don't mess with my stuff, got it?"

Soobin gave him a look. "That doesn't mean anything."

"Orrr it means he's hiding something and doesn't want you to find it. I think if you really want answers, you should start there."

"What?" He narrowed his eyes. "You want me to look through his stuff? He would kill me and I trust him."

"If you really trust him why am I here?"

Soobin looked away. "I trust him Tae I just...I don't understand why he's hiding things from me."

"He's not home right?" Soobin shook his head. "I say we go find out."


"Taehyun I'm serious get outta his shit!" Soobin said through clenched teeth.

He ignored him and kept going through the closet. "There's gotta be something in here."

"I can't believe you snuck in here while I was in the bathroom."

My Boyfriend | YeonbinWhere stories live. Discover now