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This book is so close to being done I just went ahead and finished writing the rest of it so you all have about less than five chapters left I believe I might finish it up at 55 chapters 😋

Soobin watched as Yeonjun rubbed his head and groaned a little, slowly sitting up on the plane that was now thousands of feet in the air.

His back was facing him and then he turned around just enough to look at Soobin tied up.

"Yeonjun I'm sorry I had to. You were gonna kill your brother."

"Look who decided to wake up?" Dongjun teased. "Just finish him off." He tossed him his gun which Yeonjun caught as he sat back and watched.

Soobin was back where he started, he closed his eyes and waited for the inevitable.

"Why didn't you kill me?"

His eyes slowly opened and he looked up at Yeonjun standing in front of him with the gun pointed at his head.


Yeonjun repeated himself. "When I was going to kill Beomgyu. You could've killed me, you had a gun on you, so why didn't you do it?"

He slowly shook his head. "I couldn't...I never wanted to cause you any pain Yeonjun, and I sure as well wouldn't cause your death."

Yeonjun stared at him blankly before he chuckled and pointed the gun at his father.

"Look at the mess you've made Dongjun." He said as he knelt down not taking his eyes off him and took out a switchblade to cut the rope off Soobin.

"How the hell did you-"

"Soobin packed one hell of a swing." He pointed down to the chip that had eventually fallen off after Soobin broke it. "What can I say? My boyfriend ever fails to disappoint me...but you...I need to ask you something before I kill you."

Dongjun glared at him.

"...does any ounce of you regret the pain you've caused us? Did you really ever consider us your sons? Did you love us at all?"

Dongjun didn't say anything and a disturbance in turbulence caused Yeonjun to lose his footing. Dongjun leaped up and grabbed the gun. When Soobin tried to help he kicked him back and lifted Yeonjun up before slamming him into the floor.

"AAH!" He dropped it and Yeonjun fought with everything as his father tried to grab it.

When he did he grabbed his wrist keeping it away from him, but he was so tired and Dongjun knew that.

Yeonjun watched as the gun slowly pointed at him.

"Quit fighting me!"

Soobin pulled him off as Yeonjun kept his grip on his wrist right, he grabbed his switchblade and stabbed his hand making him yell out and let go of the gun which he tossed.

Dongjun threw Soobin over his shoulder but he got back up and punched him. This caught him off guard and Yeonjun landed a kick on him.

He hit the floor and groaned holding his stomach.

"It's over Dongjun." Yeonjun said.

His father nodded. "Do it."

He pulled the trigger and...


It was out of bullets


And Dongjun took out his own switchblade and ran at him jamming it into Yeonjun's stomach.

"Soobin!" Hwang yelled tossing something at him.

"Aah!" He gasped, Dongjun jammed it in further.

"Hey!" Soobin yelled and when Dongjun turned around he was face to face with a gun.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Dun dun duuuuuuun

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