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"Soobin!" Yeonjun called.

They were supposed to meet up outside and go for lunch.

"Soobin?" He looked around but didn't spot him which was odd since it wasn't hard to spot Soobin, he was extremely tall.

He took his phone and tried calling him but it went straight to voicemail. Panic sank in.

Did Mingi really send someone to kill his boyfriend? Yeonjun started running around campus calling for him, students stared at him and he felt his eyes start to burn.

He should've listened to his guts and made them both take online classes until this was sorted out. Soobin could be hurt, they could've taken him, he could already be killed for all he knows.

"Hyunjin!" Yeonjun ran over to him. "Have you seen Soobin? I can't find him I need to find him."

"Whoa slow down. I saw him going to computer lab in the-"

Yeonjun ran to the computer lab leaving Hyunjin extremely confused. He got to the computer lab and Soobin was laughing with Olivia about something on the screen.

He stared at the two before he completely flipped.

"Are you fucking serious?" He exclaimed loudly causing the two to jump a little. "What happened to lunch?"

"You canceled."

"No I didn't Soobin I've been calling you why didn't you answer your phone!"

He looked confused. "My phone didn't ring." He checked it. "It's not on?" He never turned it off, at least he didn't remember turning it off.

"You turned your phone off?"

"Wha-no!" He sighed. "But why are you mad, you canceled on me?"

"Soobin no I didn't I thought something happened to you I thought you were hurt I thought-"

"Baby I'm okay." He walked over to him. "Maybe my phone is finally dying on me, I did drop it down the stairs twice in one day." He wrapped his arms around him. "I'm sorry."

Yeonjun relaxed in his arms. "I'm glad you're okay." He whispered. He looked up at him smiling gently before he glanced and saw Olivia. He gave her a glare before walking over to her. "I thought I told you to fuck off."

"Yeonjun!" Soobin said shocked. "I-I'm sorry about him he can be very-"

"I don't need you to apologize for me if I wanted to say sorry I would say it."

"...ungentlemanly." Soobin murmured.

Yeonjun grabbed Soobin's thing from next to her.

"He's mine do you hear me?"

She put her hands up. "I-I swear it's nothing l-like that." She stuttered out.

"Oh shut up." He turned grabbing Soobin's arm and pulled him out. "I said to stay away from her."

"I told you not to get jealous. The last person you'll have to worry about is Olivia, besides Junnie I don't find women attractive like that you know this."

Yeonjun sighed and stopped walking. "Yes I know but I can't help but-DUCK!" He pulled Soobin down with him as bullets flew over his head. "RUN!"

He grabbed him and they ran into a staircase running down as fast as they could, hearing the door swing open behind him.

"Don't kill Yeonjun just the other one!" One of them yelled as they continued to shoot, bullets ricocheted off the metal handles and they quick left running into the hall and outside.

"What do we do?" Soobin asked. "We can't go home can we?"

"Mingi has no idea where I live...matter of fact none of my friends no where I live." He looked at Soobin. "We are safe there but we need to lose them first."

He nodded and they started running, they got a cab and just told the driver to drive around which he did for almost two hours before Yeonjun felt absolutely sure that they weren't being followed.

They paid him greatly after he dropped them off home and thanked him profusely.

Upon entering the house the two immediately collapsed back on the couch groaning.

"So much for an easy day back huh?" Soobin spoke not looking at him.

"...I'm really sorry Soobin."

"Stop apologizing." He held his hand bringing it to his lips and planting a gentle kiss on it. "I told you I'm all in."

Yeonjun snuggled into his side and let out a deep exhale. "This is so exhausting."

"Let's get washed up and sleep then." Yeonjun agreed and they both went to take a shower and climbed into bed together. "Sweet dreams." Soobin said before kissing his head and closing his eyes.

"You too." Yeonjun murmured back burying his face into his chest, Soobin was always so warm and he found it comforting, being close to him like this always calmed his nerves but right now he couldn't settle down.

He couldn't sleep knowing that there were people trying to kill the most important thing to him. He looked at Soobin's face and his heart ached, he couldn't imagine waking up and him not being there.

He couldn't imagine not seeing that dimpled smiled and his crescent eyes. It was a world he wouldn't even want to live in now that he knows how lucky he is.

He turned over, Soobin's arms still wrapped around him, his stomach pressed against his back as he slept but Yeonjun just stared at the door listening and waiting to see if someone might break in.

And he got no sleep that afternoon.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

I'm so happy to finally get a day off 😁

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