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Soobin was sitting in class when he got a text message from Taehyun.

Did you hear about Yeonjun???

Soobin immediately texted him back.

What about Yeonjun?

Dude he's back at school.
I just walked past him but
he's different now.

Different how?

He looks scary.

Soobin stared at the text before the bell rang snapping him out his thought. He immediately jumped up texting Taehyun to meet him outside the library.

When they both got there Soobin was panting from running.

"Why did you run?"

"What do you mean he's scary?"

"He dyed his hair black and his facial expressions...he looks like he wants to kill someone." Taehyun gave him a look. "I guess if you go missing I'll know who did it."

The older male groaned. "Great Yeonjun is back." He ran his fingers through his hair. "Whatever it doesn't matter, we'll keep avoiding each other."

"He was asking about you?"


"I heard him asking people about you. He's looking for you Soobin."

"...oh shit."

"Soobin!" They both turned and saw Olivia walking over. "Hey babe I thought we were-why do you look like you saw a ghost?" She asked with an amused look.

"Uhh...Yeonjun's back?"

He watched all the color drain from her face.


"He's back." Taehyun said, sounding a little annoyed. "And he's most definitely out for blood. I don't blame him, not after the stunt you two pulled." Then he walked away.

Taehyun made it very clear he didn't like Olivia. Matter of fact, after Yeonjun left, a lot of people started to avoid her but she didn't care. She didn't need friends nor did she want them, just Soobin was okay with her.

"Whatever. So what if he's back, you're still with me." She got on her toes and kissed his cheek. "Let's go out tonight, it'll be fun."

"Uhh...yeah okay."


Before Soobin went home he stopped by this new bakery that just opened. The owner was this sweet woman, Ms. Choe, who took a liking to him very quickly.

"BINNIE!" She squealed and ran over hugging him. "My favorite customer."

Soobin chuckled while hugging her back. "Hi Ms. Choe."

She pulled away. "You're right on time I just took your favorite cupcakes out the oven. I'll get you some, go sit."

He did so and she brought them over to him and then sat down. No one usually came around at this time so hey had the shop to themselves.

"So what brings you here? You usually an hour before I close to help clean up."

"My ex is back."


He nodded slowly.

" do you feel?"

"I broke up with him yet I feel awful."

"You never told me why you broke up with him. From the sounds of it you were madly in love with him."

"I was." He bit his lip. "Things changed, I had to."

"Did you really?"

He looked at her. "Yes."

She sighed. "Well...hopefully Yeonjun doesn't have anger issues."

"He has a little bit more than anger issues." Soobin murmured before biting his cupcake. "I definitely hurt him a lot."

"It happens. You two shouldn't talk to each other, you both obviously need more time."

Soobin nodded silently.

He headed back home and got cleaned up to go out with Olivia, they went to a club like restaurant that had a live band every weekend, a nice fun night out date.

Soobin remembered that he wanted to take Yeonjun here one day...guess that didn't work out.

They were sitting together and Soobin seemed out of it as Olivia talked to him.

She frowned a little. "Hey."


"What's on your mind?"

He shook his head not looking at her. "Nothing."

"It's obviously not nothing." She reached across the table and touched his hand. "Is it about Yeonjun?"

He didn't say anything.

"Yeonjun was crazy and cheated on you. Just get over him, you have me now."

Soobin slowly looked up to meet her eyes, she was smiling, it was a loving smile. She genuinely has feelings for him.

He smiled back at her and let his thumb rub against her knuckles. "You're right, I'm sorry."

They talked about something else, they drank their soju and ate their food that was absolutely delicious, they were currently waiting on dessert when Olivia's eyes drifted off and she gasped.

"What's wrong?"

"Yeonjun just walked in with his friends."

"What?" He whipped his head around and his eyes immediately locked with Yeonjun's.

His hair was black now, it fell straight over his forehead, into his eyes a little but he could tell he cut it, it was definitely shorter now. He wore a black sleeves shirt that had words on it that he couldn't make out because of the weird font and black ripped jeans.

Ryujin, Changbin, and Hyunjin were with him. They had some of their instruments and all Soobin could think was...

"Oh shit."

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Yeonjun is baaaaack 😁
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