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Might double update depending on how much y'all beg 😈

"How much longer?" Dongjun asked walking over to Dr. Hwang.

"Just another hour."

"Good. In the next hour I'll have someone who is worth an entire Korean Army. I knew Daniel wasn't a waste." He says. "He'll be mines, body and soul."

"Not quite Dongjun."

They turned and saw Yeonjun standing by the entrance.

"How the hell did you-you!" He grabbed Dr. Hwang by the neck. "I knew I couldn't trust you!"

"It wasn't him."

"And I should believe you why? Isn't this your friend's dad?"

"It is, but we tracked you not him. You aren't as invisible as you think." Yeji owes me big time for this shit, lying to protect this guy.

Dongjun let's him go and he falls to his knees holding his neck while coughing.

"I assume someone told you then? I didn't think your sorry excuse for a mother had the guts to tell you."

"Don't talk about my mother. Like you even have room to talk about parenting."

Dongjun smirked. "Perhaps, so, what's yours plan exactly. You won't be you anymore in the next 55 minutes."

"Not if I can help it. It's only you two, no weapons and I have a gun."

Dongjun laughed. "You think I came here alone? Foolish." A woman walked in, about in her late 30s dressed in all black with short black hair. "This is my personal assassin, Zee, she'll be the second best killer in the next hour though."

Yeonjun looked her up and down. "She's definitely not better than Isabelle Choi."

"Your mother is a weak, incapable human being and when we're done with you, she'll be next."

"I'll kill you before you touch her."

"Try it."

"You asked!" Beomgyu yelled and pointed his gun at her as he walked over to Yeonjun.

Dongjun glared as Isabelle also walked over with Christian.

"Hi honey." She says. "Is this my replacement, downgrade if you ask me."

"Good thing we're not asking." Zee snapped.

"That bitch is mine." Isabelle murmured to her sons.

"Now now, we don't need to fight." Dongjun says. "I'm sure Yeonjun will come to his senses. You won't beat Zee, and I'll let your family live to see another day if you surrender. I'm sure you are well aware of what happens when you lose control."

Yeonjun thought about it. He hated to admit it but once again his dad got in his head more than he already did.

"We aren't leaving." Beomgyu says. "You're mine!" He pointed his gun at him and Zee jumped in front of him. The bullets bounced off of her and back at them "Shit!"

Dongjun laughed. "Did you really think Yeonjun was the only one? You had your chance. Zee, get rid of them."

"Yes sir." She ran towards them and Isabelle got in front of her son's blocking her punch.

"Try again bitch." She spat.

"Who are you calling a bitch, old hag."

Isabelle's eye twitched and she punched her in the cheek. "This old hag still has a hell of a lot of fight in her...AND IM ONLY 43!"

Beomgyu snuck around the plane that was in the hangar and tried to go for Dongjun with Yeonjun.

"We don't have a plan." Yeonjun whispered.

"The plan is to keep you alive!" He peeked around. "I can see the computer, what if I shoot it?"

"No! We need it to turn the chip off."

Beomgyu cursed. "Where's Dr. Hwang?"

"Hi boys." They turned and saw Christian.

"Dude shouldn't you be helping our mom?"

"It doesn't exactly go like that." He knocked Beomgyu out and grabbed Yeonjun.

"What the hell are you doing?" He yelled.

"You are worth a lot of money kid. I'm really sorry, the plan was to get you in your sleep but your loud mouth brother insisted on leaving now! Ruined the entire plan."

"You betrayed us...where is Soobin? What did you do to my boyfriend?"

"He's resting." He left Beomgyu while he dragged Yeonjun, who was fighting like a cornered wild animal. "Quit fighting me." He tied him with some rope and went over to the computer.

"Dr. Hwang quit hiding and get up!"

He poked his head out from behind the box crate.

Dongjun stared at Yeonjun who's eyes faded to red.

"I'm gonna kill you." He spat at him.

"No, you won't." Dongjun said as he watched Zee fight Isabelle. "Your mother still amazes me."

Yeonjun's eyebrows furrowed and then he watched as Dongjun pointed his gun at her and shot her with no hesitation.

Yeonjun's eyes widened. "MOM!" He screamed.

"Let's get to the plane, we are on short time." Dongjun said. "You had your fun."

"Did you have to shoot her?" Christian spoke.

"...are you questioning me?"

"Of course not but she was-"


Dongjun shot him in the head. "His use to me is no longer needed. I knew about his interest in her for months. Too bad, I wanted to keep him a little longer." He murmured. "Zee, get him and-"

Yeonjun snapped the rope and lunged at Zee grabbing her by the neck. She was caught off guard as his grip only got tighter and tighter, she tired clawing his hands off but they didn't budge. Her eyes started to roll to the back of her head before he snapped her neck killing her.

He looked at Dongjun and was about to attack him but pain shot through his head and he fell to his knees letting out pain-filled screams.

"What's happening?" Dongjun asked.

"Time is up." Hwang answered.

The screams soon stopped and Yeonjun stood up, his eyes a glowing red before he bowed in front of Dongjun.

"I'm ready to service you sir."

He laughed. "So much for trying huh? Let's get going, on plane Daniel."

"Yes sir."

Dr. Hwang grabbed his computer and followed them but was stopped.

"Yeonjun?" Soobin yelled as he ran over. "Oh my God what happened?" He said looking at everyone on the ground. "Isabelle!" He ran over and checked her pulse. "She's barely breathing."

He looked up and saw the glow. "No." He whispered. "No no no no Yeonjun come back to me." He stood up. "This isn't you, he's controlling you!"

Dongjun sighed. "Enough of this, Daniel, kill him."

Yeonjun smiled. "With pleasure."

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Hi!!! 💛

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