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Beomgyu sat on his knees in front of his father who was holding a gun.

"You've repeatedly failed me Ben."


"And not only did you fail to keep him helped him." Beomgyu didn't say anything. "Explain yourself."

"...Daniel had changed for the better. And yes, this is our lives but we don't have to be this way. I don't have to be like you, he taught me that, him and Soobin. So if you want to kill me get it over with, I don't wanna spend another second in this hell hole."

Dongjun lifted the gun aiming it at his head. "As you wish."

Beomgyu felt a single tear run down his cheek as he slowly closed his eyes waiting. He heard the the gun click and his heart was pounding.

Then he heard the doors behind him fling open.

"Don't you dare!"

Beomgyu turned. "Daniel!"

"Don't forget about me." Isabelle said as she walked in.

Beomgyu's jaw dropped. "Mom?"

Dongjun was just as shocked. "Isabelle."

"Hi Dongjun." She said with a soft smile. "What are you doing?"

"Me? Y-You're alive! We thought you were dead."

"I was." She spoke walking closer. "In way, but I got a second chance. Now I'm here watching you trying to kill our son."

"He's useless now just like that one."

Yeonjun kept his gun pointed at him as he walked over helping Beomgyu off the floor and back over to their mom.

"What happened to you Dongjun? What happened to the man I fell in love with?"

"You knew what you signed up for when you came here don't act like you didn't know." He spoke.


"It's Dongjun...after everything I did for you and this family you left me."

"My life here was horrible." She looked around the office. "You did a lot for me and I'm grateful, honestly without you I wouldn't have these two amazing boys."


"No." She shook her head. "I'm strong for being able to walk away just like Daniel, and Ben is strong for actually staying here being able to tolerate you."

"You will regret ever saying that." He pointed the gun at her and Yeonjun stepped in front of her.

"We're leaving."

Ben also took his gun out. "You're out numbered."

Dongjun smirked and tapped his watch alerting the guards who swarmed the room in a matter of seconds.

Yeonjun sighed. "You just had to say something."


"DROP THEM!" One of the guards yelled, they all put their hands up and dropped their guns kicking it over to Dongjun.

He chuckled. "Now isn't this a lovely family reunion?"

They didn't say anything.

"Who should I kill first?"

Isabelle stepped forward.

"Mom-" they both said.

"Hush...Dongjun these boys are innocent this should be between me and you."

He nodded. "This should be...but it isn't."


The room shook and debris fell through the ceiling making everyone back away.

"What the hell?" Dongjun yelled.

The lights went out making Yeonjun, Beomgyu, and Isabelle move closer together.

"Hold your weapons!" Someone yelled.

They heard movement and footsteps around them before someone grabbed them.


"Let go what the-Aah!"

They were pulled up and out of the room.


As soon as he said that the lights came on and the Choi's were gone.

Dongjun and the guards looked around. "What the-"

"Hey!" They looked up through the ceiling and Beomgyu was waving then stuck up his finger. "Fuck you asshole!"


They started running with a squad of guys and guns.

"I know you helped us but who the hell are you?" Beomgyu asked trying to find an exit.

"Friends of Steve."

"Who the hell is Steve?"

"Me." They stopped running seeing Soobin come around a corner.

"Soobin!" Yeonjun ran over. "How did you-why are you-"

"Long story explain later come on!" He took his hand and everyone followed behind them.


They ducked behind walls as they got shot at.

"Steve we can handle them get your family out of here!" A woman yelled holding her assault rifle as she shot.

"Thanks!" He grabbed Yeonjun's hand running as another small group followed behind them shooting.

"You gotta be shitting me!" Beomgyu yelled as he shot behind him still running, he lead everyone up to the roof where the helicopter was. Yeonjun and Beomgyu held the door closed as Soobin helped their mom into the helicopter.

"My boys-"

"They are coming don't worry."

Beomgyu grabbed a piece of wood and put it in the way holding the door closed. He started to run towards the helicopter but Yeonjun didn't move.

"Daniel come on!" He called and he saw his brother shake his head. He ran back over looking confused. "What's wrong why aren't you coming?"

"Father is just going to keep coming after us. I don't want to keep running from him."

"So what?'re gonna kill him?"

"I'm going to do what's right for the family."

"Then I'm going with you."

Yeonjun shook his head. "No you're not." He smiled at him. "Beomgyu mom needs one of us, I'm not letting her lose both of her sons. I can stay behind and keep them back long enough for you to get away."

"No!" He yelled, tears full of frustration and sadness running down his face. "I-I need to...there's so many things I haven't said. I need to say them I-I need more time."

Yeonjun held both of his hands pulling him close and hugging him.

"I love you." He whispered to him.

Beomgyu hesitated before tightly hugging him back.

"I...I love you too."

Yeonjun let out a small laugh. "I'm sorry I wasn't a good brother to you-"

"Shut up you idiot."

He pulled away and wiped his tears.

"Keep Soobin on that helicopter, don't let him off."

"...I won't."

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*


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