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Yeonjun got better after a few weeks and was well enough to get on a plane.

"Where is Ben and my mom?" He asks as they got on the plane.

"I got them a nice place a few miles away from us."

"Soobin that is so nice of you." He kissed his cheek. "But as long as he's alive we aren't safe. You know that."

Soobin kissed his head and held his hand.

When they got back to Korea everything felt different.

"We have to move?" Yeonjun asked. "Can't you buy a really good security system?"

"You know that won't work."

"But our home."

"I know baby." He hugged him. "But home is anywhere we are together, we can get another one."

Yeonjun nodded.


"Go get cleaned up I'll make lunch."

He did so, after his shower he stood in the mirror drying his hair.

"Please don't!"

"Please don't what?" Yeonjun chuckled and brushed the gun against his jawline. "You don't want me to kill you?"

"I-I'm sorry, tell boss I'll do it right next time."

"Father loves beggers." Yeonjun says as he leans down to his ear. "I like them too. Beg."

Yeonjun was on the floor touching his head.

"I'm not like that, get it together. You're home and with Soobin you're okay stop it."

"Stop what?"

He jumped and slowly stood looking into the mirror. He had to be crazy, his reflection was smiling back at him. His hair blue, it was the old him.

"Don't pretend you don't miss me."

"I don't."

"Oh the begging right and the way they would cry in front of us right? Please don't I'll do anything I'll do anything please! Hahahahaha!"

Yeonjun punched the mirror shattering it and left the bathroom.

"Junnie!" Soobin ran in and looked at him. "Babe what's wrong?"


He looked down. "Your hand."

Yeonjun looked at it and saw it was bleeding.

"I'm fine."

Soobin frowned and took him to the kitchen to clean the wound and fix it up for him. They sat in silence, mostly because Soobin really didn't know what to say.

His boyfriend was slipping and he didn't know how to help, Yeonjun wasn't like anyone he had met before and there was a part of him he was too scared to even show.

"Stop overthinking." Yeonjun says breaking the silence. "You are worrying for nothing."

"You aren't nothing, you are everything to me."

Yeonjun looks at him. "What will stop you from thinking about this?"

"Can we talk? Can you just tell me everything for once, the truth Yeonjun is that so hard?"

"It is when everyone around you is constantly scared, when you are born a monster, I'm poison Soobin. Everyone around me gets hurt or dies."

"That's not true." He takes his non-injured hand and puts it against his chest. "I'm right here, I'll always be right here."

Yeonjun can't help but smile and blush, Soobin always had that effect on him.

"Talk to me Yeonjun. I wanna know who you really are."

Yeonjun sighs and nods. "Alright. After my mother was taken and my father made our lives even more hell, something...happened. I was kidnapped by rivals and me being one of my fathers best killers, he needed me. In the two weeks that I was held hostage I was tortured in worse ways you could imagine. Long story short I...snapped. I had a psychotic break you could say. When I was found I apparently had killed everyone and was stabbing one of the corpses while laughing."

Soobin watched as he tended up a little, the topic was obviously not one he really wanted to talk about.

"I'm sorry."

Yeonjun shook his head. "It's nothing, but ever since then there's been a part of me that likes making people suffer and likes to do bad. I'm just...I'm scared Soobin I don't want to hurt you too."

"You won't baby." He hugged him. "Besides, my heart was only for you to break."


Yeonjun was cleaning up while Soobin went to the store. He was humming a song to himself when a pain shot through his head.

"Yeonjun, you can't escape me. My DNA flows through your body, you will never be able to forget where you came from."

Yeonjun's vision got blurry and he sank to the floor.

"I won't let you. You are my most dangerous weapon and you know it. You know you were never meant to be good."

"Stop it get out of my head. Think of Soobin, he loves you he wants you to be good you can be good for Soobin."

"What can Soobin do for you? He doesn't understand you, he can't love what he doesn't know."

Yeonjun's eyes faded between red and brown.


"Junnie I'm home."

When he heard Soobin's voice he finally relaxed and gasped looking around frantically.


"Junnie!" He ran over and knelt down. "Babe what happened?"

"H-He was here, my d-dad was here I heard him, I-I-I felt him he was here."

Soobin grabbed a knife and looked around the house, every inch of it but didn't see anyone or any sign of anyone else being in their home.

"Baby no one is here."

"Soobin he was I heard him."

"I believe yo, come here." He held him and rubbed his back. "It's okay, I won't let anything happen to you I told you this. I promise everything will be okay."

Yeonjun snuggled into his chest and sighed. If Soobin said everything would be okay he had no choice but to believe him, but even a part of him knew that nothing would turn out well for him in the end.

Soobin got him tucked into bed and went to make him something to eat. He laid in bed staring at a picture of them on his nightstand. His heart ached, that someone like Soobin would invest so much time into him despite being put in literal life threatening danger because of him.

He looked over and saw his notebook for school sitting on his desk. He got up and sat down and started to write in the back of it.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Okay everyone what are your ideas and thoughts about their future.
I don't think anyone will even come close to what is going to happen to them

My Boyfriend | YeonbinWhere stories live. Discover now