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Taehyun went to look for the box but couldn't find it.

"It's not here."

Soobin knelt down. "What do you mean it's not here?"

"I mean it's been moved I put it back in it's spot and it's not here." He explained standing up. "So he moved it?"

"What? No." He started thinking. "He couldn't have known that we went through his things. He wasn't mad this morning, he didn't say anything."

"Let's just find it."

They searched the entire room head to toe but didn't find the box, it was like it vanished from thin air.

"Damn it!" Soobin cursed. "We were so close."

"Alright Plan B." Taehyun started thinking. "We follow him, more specifically you follow him one day orrrr oh take his phone. Look through it."

"Wait wait wait." He let out a sigh. "This is crazy."

"You admitted it yourself you know he's hiding something and you deserve answers. Five years just to be betrayed like this?"

Soobin frowned. "B-But he...he wouldn't."

"Well let's just make sure hm? Because it seems to me you trust him but he doesn't trust you and that's not fair Soobin."

The older didn't say anything, he wanted to defend his boyfriend but why did he have a feeling that what Taehyun was saying was true?

"Whatever let's just...clean up." They made a mess trying to find that stupid box.

The midst of cleaning Soobin found something under the bed, he almost didn't catch it since it was small.

He picked it up and his eyes widened.

"What the fuck is this?"

Taehyun knelt down next to him.

"It's an id, why is it in English?" He asked and upon taking a closer look his eyes widened. "Who is Daniel Choi and why is Yeonjun's face on here?"

Soobin didn't say anything he just kept staring at the picture of him, Yeonjun was younger and his hair was blue but why was the name different?


Soobin didn't talk to anyone else but Taehyun and his mom about this.

"Sweetie I really hate to say this but...can you really trust him?"

"Of course I can he's my boyfriend." He spoke into the phone whilst walking back and forth outside.

"I understand I do. I probably understand what you're going through better than anyone, but don't be a moth drawn to a flame. I'm worried about you."

"Don't be mom I'm fine I just...I don't know what to do."

"Well the last thing you want to do is accuse him of something that isn't right. Get your facts together and then sit him down and talk like mature adults."

"I-I can do that."

"Good, call me if you wanna talk again."

"I will, love you and be careful."

"Love you too Bin."

They hung up and Soobin went to do some more digging.

"Why did you chase after me? You a stalker or something?" Mingi asked while walking to his next class.

"N-No I just need answers."

"Answers?" Soobin pulled him into the bathroom. "Dude what the hell?"

"What is Yeonjun to you?"

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