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"Your friends are gonna kill me." Soobin said as Yeonjun straddled him on top of their bed.

"They'll be okay." He kissed him some more and Soobin hummed into the kiss feeling Yeonjun roll his hips. He pulled away. "W-Wait."

Yeonjun sat up a little with a confused expression. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Do you not want to?"

"It's not that of course I want to its forgave me so quickly."

"My family is a lot of things and they easily manipulate, but you were so out of character I genuinely thought you...I thought you didn't love me."

"I'll always love you Junnie no matter what or who you are." He says up and connected their lips. "But I think you should tell you friends."

"What?...tell them about my family? No way they would-"

"If they were your real friends they'd understand, but all of this sneaking around...aren't you tired of it?"

Yeonjun thought about it for a moment. " have a point but I don't know, I've kept this secret for so long...I'll tell them everything once my father is out of the picture and I know they are out of danger."

Soobin nodded, he could live with that besides he knew Yeonjun would tell them with time.

"So Daniel...what is it you exactly want to do?"

Yeonjun leaned down to his ear. "I want you to fuck me with your big dick." He whispered and Soobin didn't need to be told twice.

He kissed him, it wasn't too hungry or rushed, it was gentle with a hint of desire and lust. He missed him and Yeonjun felt the same.

He slowly rolled them over so Yeonjun was now underneath him. He felt his boyfriend's hands slide up his chest and then his arms wrap around him bringing him closer if even possible.

In no time their clothes joined the floor, their bodies covered in a thin layer of sweat as Soobin was now moving on top of him.

Yeonjun's hands ran down his back, heavy breathing and small whimpers and moans filled the room. The quiet sound of the bed squeaking from their actions, Soobin hadn't felt this way in awhile and it took everything not to release so soon.

"Soobin." Yeonjun breathed out.

Soobin looked at him and saw the tears.

"Am I hurting you? Do you want me to sto-"

"N-No." He says quickly, shaking his head.

Soobin smiles gently at him and slowly bringing his hand up to wipe away his tears.

"What's wrong baby?" He asks.

"Mmm~" He bites his lip as his eyes flutter closed. He takes Soobin's hand that is still caressing his cheek, he kisses his thumb leaving cute kitten kisses on it.

Soobin's heart swells, he's so cute, so beautiful.

"I was so scared...I-I thought we'd never do this again. I thought you would never want me." He says, his voice below a whisper, and his tears start all over again.

"I'll always want you." He kisses him briefly before whispering, "I love you Daniel."

Yeonjun shivers at the way he says his name. His moans get increasingly louder as Soobin moves a little faster.

"S-Soobin." And Soobin falls in love all over again. "Binnie I'm close~"

Soobin holds him close and kisses his neck and shoulders listening to his cute noises.

"Cum whenever you want baby." He says and Yeonjun throws his head back.

"Aaaaaah~Soobinnie~" He cums hard and more tears are pouring from his eyes. "Soobin I love you Aah~I love you so much!"

Soobin groans lowly and cums inside of him, he slowly comes to a stop and they are both breathing heavily, catching their breaths while holding each other.

Soobin looks at Yeonjun, his face red and wet from tears, he kisses his nose and smiles at him.

"I love you too."


"So let me get this straight...YOU FORGAVE HIM?" Hyunjin exclaimed glaring at the two holding hands.

Yeonjun smiled. "Yep!"

"...I'm throwing myself from the roof."

He laughed. "Jinnie you'll understand when you are older." He shakes his head and walks away. He turns and looks up at his boyfriend, "He'll get over it."

Soobin kisses his head. "I feel horrible." He whispered to him.

"It's alright." He smiles fondly. "But tomorrow night, you're coming to my gig right?"

"Of course, you know I missed you playing so much. You should make a cd for me, so I can have something to listen to."

"Sure babe, I can do that. Now let's get to class before we're late."

"Okay cutie."

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

I'm getting my EIN number I'm getting closer and closer to finally launching my business I'm so excited!!!! AAHHHHHHH 😆😆😆

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