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Yeonjun stared at himself in the mirror as Soobin talked to Isabelle and Beomgyu. He touched his face slightly, he still couldn't believe he didn't know but then again they wiped his memory.

"The doctor who performed the operation was Hwang Hangyeol. We thought he-"

"Wait...Hwang Hangyeol?" Soobin started thinking. He heard that name before, his eyes widened and he grabbed his phone calling someone. "I need you to come over to my place right now it's important."

A few minutes later there was a gentle knock at the door. Beomgyu got it and Yeji walked in.

"I got here as fast as I could what's-" When she saw Isabelle her heart sank. "W-What's going on?"

"Your dad is Hwang Hangyeol." Soobin said.

"Wait a second...Yeji?" Isabelle asked. "The last time I saw you, you were a little kid look at you."

Yeji rubbed her arm. "I should really get going."

"You knew." Soobin said. "You knew what your father did, you knew about Yeonjun and you didn't say anything?"

"My dad made me promise. Despite being a rich doctor he wouldn't find a babysitter and brought me with him. I swear there were so many times I wanted to speak up but...but after awhile I couldn't see it." She says, her eyes gathering with tears. "Yeonjun is real, I've never seen machine look at something the way he looks at you. My dad is a lot of things but Yeonjun is special, and I'm glad they chose him to put Yeonjun back together."

"I want to talk to him." They all turned their heads seeing Yeonjun walk into the living room. "Your dad, I want to talk to him."

"That's not a good idea. I don't know what everyone has told you, but my dad left for New York a few days ago. He never goes to the states unless it's for business."

"And weird things have been happening to you meaning Dongjun is with him."

"They...reactivated him?" She asked and everyone nodded. "Shit." Disappointment fills her eyes. "I talked to him I told him to drop all ties with your father."

"Why didn't you warn us?" Soobin asked.

"Soobin I can only get involved so much. My dad is still my dad and he keeps his secrets. Dongjun must've offered him a lot of money." She protests. "Look I'm sorry-"

"Don't apologize." Yeonjun smiles gently at her. "I'm not mad at you...I'm mad at them." He looked at his mom and Beomgyu. "I know you think you're protecting me but you're not, and erasing my memory doesn't help either. I've never been so confused about myself until now, and I need to talk so Mr. Hwang to figure out who I am."

"Yeonjun I understand that you're upset-" Beomgyu starts but Yeonjun cuts him off.

"Do you? Were you taken apart and put back together? Were you mind-fucked all your life too?" Beomgyu doesn't speak and looks down at the floor. "If Mr. Hwang and Dongjun are together, this gives me the opportunity to kill him."

"What? No no no you aren't going anywhere near the guy who has your mind in his hands!" Soobin yells. "You are staying here where you are safe."

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are."

"Out of everyone here I thought you'd understand." He says.

"Well I'm sorry but my top priority is to keep you safe now and understand later."

Yeji's phone vibrated and she looked down at the text message. She red through it and her eyes widened.

"H-Hey guys!" She showed Beomgyu her phone.

"Yeji, I'm sorry. I should've listened to you but I fear things are too late. Dongjun offered to pay a lot of money for what I'm about to do and please know I'm doing this for you. I'm broke Yeji, and I want you to have a good life after I'm gone and not worry. That's why I'm reactivating Yeonjun's mind, he'll be dangerous so stay away from him. His mind will be fully awake in the next two days. I love you."

"Two days?" Soobin asks.

"I'm going." Yeonjun goes to walk away but Soobin grabs him.

"Yeonjun you are putting yourself in danger."

"I'm putting everyone else in danger by standing here and doing nothing. If I can stop him then I can end this, I can put my mind to rest. Soobin I'm so tired all the time. Please, if you all just help me this will be over, but if I need to do this alone then I will."

Soobin could see how pale and skinny he looked. He did look warn out despite being home all day.

"I'm coming with you." Beomgyu says. "I failed once, I didn't protect you and that got you...I won't leave you alone ever again. I'll be right here with you Hyung."

Yeonjun smiled at him and hugged his brother. After awhile Beomgyu started to blush.

"How long do we have to hug?" He exclaimed making Yeonjun let go.

"Sorry." He laughs.

"Well, since we're having another family reunion I guess it would only be appropriate if join." She teases. "But as a mother, I won't let my sons do something like this alone so go pack your things and let's buy some plane tickets."

"Mrs. Choi-"

"Soobin." She says as Yeonjun and Beomgyu leave to go get ready. "You want to protect him and so do I. I understand you better than anyone else here, but you know Yeonjun. He's determined to get Dongjun and he has two days before it's too late, and it's not his nature to go down without a fight."

She went to check on Yeonjun and Beomgyu leaving Yeji and Soobin.

"I can't believe this is happening." He says.

Yeji pats his back. "If you can't fight 'em might as well join 'em." She smiles at him. "You all be safe and please, bring my father home if you can."

"I'll try but Yeonjun is my priority and if I have to I will kill whoever gets in my way."

She stared at him before laughing. "Wow, Yeonjun has really brushed off on you. You used me be so timid, now you aren't afraid to pull the trigger. You really love him." She opens the door. "Well, I will be no help to you so good luck." And she left.

"Yah!" Soobin looked at Beomgyu, Yeonjun, and Isabelle. "You coming or not dude?"

He stared at Yeonjun and sighed. "I'll be damned if you think I won't stand by you, but as soon as we stop him this done. No more mafia, no danger, we are moving out of this house just you and me when this is over."

Yeonjun smiled at him. "Just you and me."

"Alright, I called a friend and we're leaving soon so let's head to the airport."

When they got on the private jet, Isabelle was talking to her friend and Beomgyu was on the phone with Taehyun, but Yeonjun had fallen sleep next to him and Soobin stared at his face just incase this was the last time he was going to see it.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*


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