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This is a double update so make sure
you read FIFTY ONE

They get everything loaded onto the truck and to the new house.

"What made you want to buy this? No offense but don't you have money? This place is a piece of junk." Beomgyu says.

Soobin chuckled. "A few years back, Yeonjun and I were talking. He said he wanted an old home in the countryside to raise a family. You know, away from the noise and stuff."

The younger sighs.

"You know, he would want you to move on. Don't stay like this too long."

"I won't be able to forget someone like Yeonjun so don't ask me to." He picked up a box and carried it inside to get away from him.

He went to his new room and set up a picture frame next to the bed of him and Yeonjun out on a date. Yeonjun was laughing, eyes in crescents and mouth wide open and he could remember the fun they had that day.

"You won a fox? I love it, Binnie thank you."

"Aahhhhhh I'm never riding a roller coaster again!"

"Mmmm thish cotton candy ish good!"

"The sunset is so pretty Soobin."

"Thank you for today I had so much fun."

Soobin took a deep breath and covered his face as he felt the tears.

"Soobin where do you-whoa hey what's wrong?" Ryujin asked, walking in.

"I miss him."

She hugged him. "I miss him too." She whispers rubbing his back. "After we are done unloading the trucks, let's go out tonight. It's been months since you went out. You need it."

"I don't know."

"Just think about it." She leaves him and he lays down hugging one of Yeonjun's favorite sweaters, his scent no longer lingering on it.

After they brought all the boxes and furniture inside, Hueningkai stopped by to see how he was doing.

"Hi Kai." He hugged him and the younger rubbed his back.

"I'm glad to see you up and moving and not moping around."

He looked around at everyone else. "Hi everyone, you look like you're about to go somewhere."

"We're trying to convince Soobin to go out for drinks with us." Beomgyu says.

"Oh, Soobin that sounds like fun."

He shrugs. "I'll pass."

"Oh come on please Soobin?" Taehyun begs.

Soobin groans. " drink and then I'm leaving."

They all cheer and clap, grabbing him and putting their shoes on to leave. They drove back into town and found a local bar that wasn't too crowded despite it being the weekend but it was still early.

They all sat down and Soobin got soju.

"Let's make a toast." Hyunjin says. "To Soobin, for moving into a new place and despite the things that have happened to you, we are all here and we are cheering you on. Fighting!"


"Bottoms up!" They all took a few gulps.

"Thanks guys." Soobin says. "You all have been really patient with me."

"We are all mourning too, but no one loved Yeonjun more than you." Ryujin says. "I just wish things were different."

He nods. "Me too."

"Enough with this sad shit, I love this song!" Beomgyu stands up and grabs Taehyun. "Come on Hyunnie."

He laughs. "I'm coming, I'm coming."

"Yeah, let's dance." Ryujin gets Hyunjin.

Kai laughs while watching everyone and then glances at Soobin who is twisting his ring.

"...want another drink?"

"...Kai can I ask you something?"


"What should I do now? Yeonjun was everything to me...I don't know what I should do. Everything I see, hear, do, everything reminds me of him Kai. I can't heal like this everything keeps the wound open. I can't do this." He cried and Kai didn't know what to do or say.

"Soobin...I wish I could make the pain go away." He said holding his hand. "Honestly, I wish what you were feeling was happening to me instead and not you. I wish things were different."

Soobin looked at him and saw his cousin start to tear up.

"You're like a brother to me, I hate seeing you like this. I'm sorry none of us could do anything."


"I hate seeing you cry Soobin but I don't know how to cheer you up."

"Hey." He hugged him. "Hey don't cry Hyuka." He says gently. "I'm sorry-"

"No why are you apologizing? You lost the guy you were with for years. You thought about proposing, I remember you calling me one night for wedding ideas." He laughed. "I never wanted your happiness to be taken from you and it was."

Soobin could try to have fun for Kai if it would get him to call down.

"...Hyuka dance with me."

He looked up at him. " want to?"

"We both need it, come on." He takes his hand and guides him over to his friends.

Taehyun sang along with Beomgyu as they danced like it was their last night on Earth. Kai laughed and joined them along with everyone else.

After awhile Soobin slipped outside and took out a cigarette, he picked up smoking after Yeonjun's death and it became a habit, he told everyone it helped him relax and clear his head so they left him alone but in reality, it was none of those things.

Soobin picked up smoking because he wanted to kill himself a little faster to see Yeonjun again.

He lit the cigarette and brought it to his lips and inhaled deeply before tilting his head up ever so slightly and blowing it out.

He looked at the night sky and closed his eyes.

"Say you love me me...say you love me...till the end of the world...all or nothing I want all of you." He sang slowly to himself.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

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