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Hyunjin was sitting outside on his phone when Soobin walked over.


Hyunjin glanced up from his phone and then looked back down.

"I know you hate me but I need you to give this back to Yeonjun." He showed him the ring.

He looked at it and gasped. "You took his ring? Ha, you really want me to kill you Choi." He stood and Soobin backed away.

"No I didn't-w-we had a little argument-look just give it back I know he wants it."

"Hell no, you give it back to him."

"How? He constantly avoids me and when he doesn't he's throwing food and drinks on me. Please Hyunjin!"

He crossed his arms over his chest. "Nope. I suggest you find him and give it to him or go to that party tonight."

Soobin cocked an eyebrow. "Party?"

"Yep, at the C dorm, fifth floor you'll definitely see the room." The C dorms were extremely nice and had huge rooms to hold a huge party with lots of people. "Bye!" He turned and walked away leaving Soobin there scared.

He had to willing talk to Yeonjun?


He ended up going to the party and unfortunately Olivia tagged along.

"I said stay home." Soobin said as they rode the elevator.

"And miss out on the party, no way."

"I am giving something to someone and we are leaving." They walked in and the music was loud, cigarette smoke and the smell of alcohol filled his nose.

I'm never going to find him.

"Look who actually showed up." Hyunjin spoke walking over with a cup of beer.

Soobin rolled his eyes. "Shut up, where is he?"

"Look for him asshole." And then he walked away disappearing into the crowd of drunken college students.

He groaned. "You gotta be kidding me. Olivia we're leaving...Olivia?" He turned and she had a drink and was dancing with some random girls he didn't know.

He shook his head and decided to stay since he didn't feel like arguing with her to leave anyways.

He walked around and found himself in the kitchen eating some of the crackers with some homemade dip on it that was actually pretty good.

After the seventh one, two people walked in laughing.

"You are crazy." It was Yeonjun.

"I'm just a little competitive sometimes but I think I'm quite humble." And Chan.

"If you don't mind I'd like to tag along sometime." He says, the two haven't noticed he was standing in the corner eating off a plate on the counter yet.

"Sure bowling is great. Changbin is really good."

"Yeah so is Hyunjin."

"Let me get you a drink."

Not a good idea Yeonjun is a complete lightweight.

"Thanks." Chan handed him a beer and Yeonjun drank it.

Wait...if he's a little tipsy maybe he won't be so angry and take the ring easily. Then I can drag Olivia out and pretend this never happened, perfect!

They left the kitchen and Soobin took the plate of snacks and quickly left hiding out in the bathroom tub alone still eating crackers and watching YouTube videos.

He jumped when someone ran in and threw up in the toilet, he paused, the cracker he was about to eat right in front of his mouth but he slowly lowered it and left running into someone.

"Shit I'm so sorry."

The giggled. "'S okay~" they slurred.


The male looked up at him and a huge grin spread across his face. "Soobinnie!" He hugged him tightly. "I missed you so much Binnie~"

"How much did you drink?"

"One." But he was holding up four fingers. "Just one."

"You are a lightweight you shouldn't drink so much. Come here." He took him to a bedroom and closed the door behind them. "Lay down."

"Mmm don't wanna~" he lost his balance and fell onto the bed before bursting into laughter.

"I'm giving this to you." He handed him the ring and Yeonjun stared at it in his hand.

"...I remember when you gave that to me." He says slowly. "For our one year." He takes it from him. "I miss you Soobin." His words still slurred.

Soobin watches as he slowly sits up staring at him. He backs away a little.

"I just came to give that to you."

"Don't you miss me too? You still love me don't you?"

He shakes his head, looking away from him. "I'm sorry Yeonjun." He went to leave but Yeonjun stood and grabbed his arm, keeping his balance.

"I love you Soobin." He puts his arms around him.

"No no let go." Soobin tries to pry his arms off.

"Take me back Binnie why did you leave me for her?" He asks all while pressing drunken kisses on his neck. "I miss you."

Yeonjun suddenly grabs his face and kisses him much to his surprise, Soobin pulls away and stares at him before smashing his lips back onto his.

Yeonjun moans against his lips as Soobin walks him to the bed, he falls back bringing Soobin with him, the male now hovered over him, their tongues swirling around each other and theirs hands trying to touch what they could.

"S-Soobinnie~" He moans as he kisses his neck, small gasps leaving his lips. Soobin slowly took his hands bringing them up and above his head. "I love you Binnie~"

For some reason those words snapped him out of his trance and he jumped off of him like he burned himself.

His eyes were blown wide and he had backed up into the dresser knocking something over.

"Binnie?" Yeonjun was sitting up and looking confused.

"I'm sorry." His voice breathy and quiet. He went to leave and heard Yeonjun trying to stand only to fall to the floor still being drunk out of his mind.

"Binnie please don't go." He cried, gentle sobs leaving his lips. "Don't leave me again Soobin I'll do whatever you want." He tried to stand again but fell. "Soobin please!"

Soobin opened the door and left making sure to lock it on his way out to prevent someone from taking advantage of he almost did.

He quickly left, he left Olivia there with her friends, he left Yeonjun, the ring, and he wanted to bury himself in the deepest hole possible to escape this.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Jaehyun...sir...calm down with yo fine ass
I am definitely mark and the other guy in the back 😂

calm down with yo fine ass I am definitely mark and the other guy in the back 😂

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