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Because you asked nicely for a double update

Was Yeonjun up to this? He couldn't possibly be, no matter how mad he was Yeonjun would never wish harm on Soobin he knew that for a fact.

Soobin turned a corner quickly tryin to our run the bullets flying past his head, three masked men chased him down the side of the street.

He just went to the store now this?

He was becoming exhausted, he knew he wouldn't be able to run for much longer.

While running he collided with someone falling right on top of them.

"What the fuck?"

He groaned. "I'm so sorry." Soobin said and then froze. "Yeonjun."

He watched as the boy went pale, then he heard the gunshots again.

"Shit." He stood up and quickly grabbed Yeonjun dragging him along as he ran.

He pulled him into an alley and they both caught their breaths.

"Are you hurt?" Soobin asked.

Yeonjun pushed him back. "I'm fine." He murmured dusting himself off. "Who did you piss off now?"

"I have no idea who they are they just starred shooting at me."

"Do you know what part of town you're on?"


Yeonjun sucked his teeth. "There's been a rise in gangs dumbass." He peaked his head around. "I think they're gone anyways."

"Let me walk you home it isn't safe."

He heard Yeonjun scoff. "You think you are much protection? You'd get killed before you even get the chance to try and protect me." His words hurt but Soobin knew he deserved it. "Besides I don't need you."

He went to leave. "That's why you still have the ring right?"

Yeonjun froze not looking at him.

"I know you have it."

The older turned and looked at him with an unreadable look. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"The ring I got you for our one year, you still have it."

"No, I don't."

Soobin walked towards him. "Yes, you do."

Yeonjun backed away. "Stay away from me or I swear I'll-"

"What?" He pushed him against the wall. "You'll hit me? Then do it, hit me."

Yeonjun looked away from him and Soobin grabbed his face forcing him to look.

"Hit me!"

"Let go of me." He tried to pry his hand away but after all this time, Soobin still made him weak and vulnerable.

He hated it. He hated him.

"Make me."

Yeonjun closed his eyes, his eyes started to burn.

"You have it where is it?"

"I-I don't."

Soobin shoved his hand in his pocket making Yeonjun gasp.

"St-stop!" Soobin held it up and Yeonjun blushed in embarrassment. There it was, in all of its heart broken beauty.

"I knew it."

Yeonjun looked away. "Give it back."

"You want it?"


"You still value it, this old thing?" He laughed. "I mean you've been treating me like shit I would've thought you'd get rid of it."

Yeonjun refused to look at him.

"I'll just throw it away, I mean you have Chan now right?" He walked towards the dumpster.

"No!" Yeonjun ran over and tried to get it from him. "Give it back you asshole stop!"

"No you don't care about it."

"Fuck you!"

"Fuck you!" Soobin yelled back.

"I hate you!" Yeonjun hit his chest. "I hate you I hate you I hate you I-"

Soobin grabbed his wrists and pulled him into a kiss. Yeonjun tried fighting him but it didn't take long for him to submit, his legs almost gave out as Soobin swallowed a small whimper that left his lips as the tears began.

He fisted his shirt wanting to pull away but he simply couldn't.

He was still in love with the man who broke his heart.

They pulled away and Yeonjun backed up, wide eyed and hurt.

Soobin was just as shocked, why did he do that?

"Yeonjun I-"

"Don't." He wiped his face of the tears. "Keep it, I don't need it. Not like I belong to you anymore."

"Who do you belong to?"

"Nngh~y-you, 'm yours Binnie. All yours."

He left the alley quickly and not looking back while Soobin just stared at the ring in his hand now with a heavy heart.


Soobin was sitting down with Ms. Choe staring at his cup of coffee early that morning.

"It does sound like you are in quite the pickle." She says. "Soobin I really can't help you. I mean, it sounds to me that you clearly still love him and he loves you."

"I'm with someone else now."

"Yes you are, a person you don't seem that attracted to."

"I am." He sighed. "It's just him being back makes things hard for me and her."

"Yes because he kicked food on her and threw a drink at you. That makes plenty of sense, that may complicate things."

Soobin saw her amused smile and blushed. "Hey not funny Ms. Choe."

She covered her mouth. "'M not laughing." She took a sip of her coffee. "Anyways...maybe you should talk to him."

"Pass, at this point I wouldn't put it pass him if he decided to throw me off a bridge." He also sipped his coffee.

"Oh he wouldn't, but you should return that ring. He clearly wants it."

Soobin had been staring at it for the majority of the conversation.

"I'll give it to his friend and he can return it for him...Ms. Choe if you were me what would you do?"

"Life is too short Binnie. Keep what is precious to you close, because in the future you'll regret not doing so, like I did." She explained. "Hold on to your happiness tightly, promise me."

He nodded, seeing that this topic was a bit sensitive for her. "I understand...did you let someone go?"

She slowly nodded. "I gave up on my husband. He wasn't just my husband but my best friend, I wish I could take it back but I know he probably resents me right now more than ever. I think he's moved on."

Soobin frowned. "I'm sorry...maybe you'll rekindle."

She smiled softly. "Maybe."

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

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