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Soobin woke up and it was dark. He groaned as he sat up wondering how long they were asleep.

"Junnie?" He felt the spot next to him that was cold. "Yeonjun." He leaned over and turned the lamp on. He wasn't in the room.

He got out of bed and left their room turning on the lights in the hall.

"Babe what are you doing?"

Yeonjun was sitting in front of the door with his gun in his hand.

"I have to keep watch."

"Did you sleep at all?"

"I couldn't not when they could come in at any moment and take you away from me."

Soobin frowned and slowly walked over. "Come Yeonjun."

He shook his head again. "No."

Soobin got in front of him and could see how exhausted he looked. It broke his heart seeing how much this was taking a toll on him.

"Junnie please?"

"No I can't sleep I can't lose you Soobin I won't let them take you!" Soobin hugged him tightly and Yeonjun immediately broke down in his arms.

Soobin let him cry into his shoulder, he would be lying if he said he wasn't terrified too but not of dying he was scared that Yeonjun would get seriously hurt or killed trying to protect him.

"Baby look at me." Yeonjun did so. "How about me and you go on a trip hm? Ever heard of the Maldives?"

He sniffled and shook his head. "No." He murmured.

"Well it's a very beautiful island in the Indian Ocean. Nice clear water, sunny clear skies, they give you rooms over the water."

He wiped his face. "That sounds nice."

"I was gonna take you for our anniversary but this seems like an emergency so I'll book our flight and we'll go this weekend."

Yeonjun shook his head. "No Binnie you don't have to-"

"We both need it, you especially. It'll take your mind off of everything and you'll be able to finally sleep. They won't find us out there."

"...thank you Binnie."

"You're welcome Junnie." He kissed his head and helped him off the floor. "Come sleep."


Soobin laid down and Yeonjun laid on top of him resting his head on his chest.

"I love you."

Soobin smiled and held him in his arms.

"I love you too."


"Binnie we're gonna miss our flight!" Yeonjun called as they ran in the airport to get to their gate.

"I could rent a private jet if we do!" He yelled back as he ran next to him.

"I forget how rich you are sometimes!"

Soobin laughed and then pointed. "Right there!" The woman was about to close the rope. "Wait wait wait!"

She looked up and they stopped in front of her panting heavily.

"Just in time." She let them through and they thanked her.

"I told you we shouldn't have done it." Yeonjun whispered to him.

"I couldn't resist you looked so cute, try looking ugly next time."

Yeonjun laughed playfully hitting his arm.

"Binnie where are our seats?"

"We are first class this is economy, go over there." He pointed.

"First class?" Yeonjun murmured to himself. They got to first class and he gasped. "Whoa."

"Nice right?"

"How much was this?"

"That's irrelevant." He ushered him to their seats and sat him down while the flight attendant grabbed their bags for them. "Thank you." He sat in next to Yeonjun. "Comfy?"

"Very." He leaned the chair all the way back until he was almost laying down. "I definitely like this."

"Wanna go to the bar?"

"There's a bar in here?"

"Yeah." He pointed to the mini bar in the front of the room. "We can get some drinks after we take off."

Yeonjun was beaming and Soobin chuckled and he held his hand. He'd spend every last coin if it meant he'd see that smile every time.


The flight was wonderful and Yeonjun got plenty of sleep before they landed. When they got there he was in complete awe, the island was something out of the movies, it was heaven on water.

They got to their room which was like a cabin on water, Soobin said they were called 'Villas'. They walked inside and Yeonjun gasped, seemed he was doing that a lot today to Soobin's amusement.

"Binnie this!" He bit his lip and jumped on the bed. "It's beautiful Soobin!"

He sat their bags down. "I'm glad you like it." He sat next to him. "Well what do you wanna do first?"

"Let's swim."

"Swimming it is."

They got unpacked since they were going to be there for an entire week. They changed into their swim trunks and walked to the beach setting up their blanket in the sand and putting their things down.

"Hurry Binnie." Yeonjun said.

"Okok I'm right behind you."

He ran into the water and sank underneath before coming up, running his hands through his hair and spitting the water out.

"It feels amazing!"

Soobin also got in. "Yeah it does." He watched as Yeonjun swam over and wrapped his arms around him.

"How did I get so lucky?" He asked smiling at him.

"I should be asking that." He pecked his lips. "They have a lot to do here. We can go get washed up and eat, tomorrow morning they have couple massages then we can go and walk around the island maybe go to a bar too."

"You have this whole trip planned out Huh? You're just asking me for confirmation."


Yeonjun laughed and nodded. "Yes that sounds wonderful Binnie." He gave him one more kiss before splashing him with water and swimming away laughing.

"Oh no you don't!" He swam after him and splashed him back.

"Yah!" His hair fell over his eyes due to the water.

Soobin chuckled and moved his hair out of his eyes, Yeonjun blushed as he stared at him then kissed him again.

A life in paradise was just what they needed after this hectic past week.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

I'm sorry but...olive oil 😂😂😂
Y'all are so funny

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