Twenty Three

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Yeonjun was asleep in bed while Soobin was cooking him lunch. He heard his phone ringing in the other room and didn't want it to wake him so he quickly ran and answered it, watching Yeonjun stir and turn over in bed.

"Soobinnie." He murmured in his sleep holding his pillow. "...don't wanna go to class."

Soobin cooed and kissed his head before leaving the room


"Uhh Soobin?"

"...Beomgyu? How did you get my number?"

"I dable in hacking but that's besides the point."

"What do you want?"

"Look I...I need someone to talk to about something and I don't know anyone here so can we talk?"


"Meet me at the cafe we went to before." And he hung up.

Soobin finished cooking and put the food in the microwave to keep it warm and left a note for Yeonjun in case he woke up before he got back.

He went and met up with Beomgyu sitting down in front of him.

"Go on." He said.

Beomgyu bit his lip. "I'm fucked up."

"Oh really?" He said sarcastically.

"Oh shut up." He sighed. "Living with someone like Dongjun wasn't easy and I'm sure Daniel told you. After mom died he drifted apart a lot but part of me never wanted that to happen, I needed him more than ever and he left and I can't forgive him for that...not now at least."

"So you miss him?"

"N-No...I mean...maybe I dunno."

He chuckled. "You remind me a lot of how Yeonjun used to act. He always had a hard time trying to express himself in a nonviolent and aggressive manner."

" did you two meet?"

"He transferred to my school. This might sound cheesy but honestly it was love at first sight for me. Yeonjun was unlike any person I had ever seen there, the piercings, the blue hair, the attitude."

"So how did you get him to become soft like that?"

"Junnie isn't soft he's just happy and I'm glad I gave him that. It took time, he didn't trust anyone and definitely not the guy who asked him on a date out of the blue." He laughed at the memory. "But I told him how I felt after a long year he started to mellow out."

"A year?" He exclaimed.

"Yep, like I say, it takes work. Love is work, any relationship is work, and if you are willing to put in the work which I was, you'll get results. And I got Yeonjun, I'm quite lucky to have him. He's taught me just as much as I've taught him."

Beomgyu didn't say anything he just stared down at his coffee.

"Soobin don't tell Yeonjun this but...I'm in danger."


"If I don't bring Yeonjun back I'm sure I'll be killed, but I don't...I don't want to take him away from this. He's happy and I'll never say it to him but I'm happy that he's okay."

"You need to tell Yeonjun you need to-"

"Soobin honestly, whatever happens happens. I haven't been happy in awhile and honestly life seems...meaningless you know."

"You're young, you have so much life ahead of you don't give up now! Especially when you and Yeonjun can finally fix things."

"You don't understand it's not easy to get away from someone like him unless you kill him and every attempt to kill him from others has failed."

"How many attempts?"

"57. He's not an easy man to kill."

Soobin started to think. "Stay with me. You stay with me and Yeonjun, you two can work on your relationship. We can get you out."

Beomgyu chuckled. "That's nice of you but-"

"Hey Soobin!" They turned and saw Taehyun walk in and he froze when he saw Beomgyu. "Ahem...hi."

Beomgyu stared at him blankly. "Hey."

Taehyun bit his lip. "Uhhh Soobin I think I heard someone calling you."

Soobin cocked an eyebrow. "No one called-"

"Just go Soobin!"

"Okokok." He stood up. "I'll order me a muffin or something."

Taehyun bites his lip and sits in front of Beomgyu.


"You said that already."

"Right uhhhh...sorry."

Beomgyu stared at him. "Do you need something?"

"I...I find you really attractive and I was wondering if maybe you would like to go to dinner or a movie or you should just walk away right now and save me the embarrassment." He said all in one breath and turned around waiting for an answer.

"Uhhh Tae?" He looked and saw Soobin standing in front of him.

"He's gone isn't he?" He groaned putting his face in his shoulder. "I was too weird."

Soobin laughed. "Hyunnie turn around." He did so and Beomgyu was still sitting there with a small smile.

"You're an idiot." He chuckled a little. "Trust me I'm not someone you wanna deal with."

"Funny." Soobin spoke. "Yeonjun told me the same thing." And he winked at him. "I'll head back, Beomgyu think about what I said please."


He left and headed back to the apartment where Yeonjun was actually just waking up.

"Oh, you left?" He asked.

"Yeah just wanted to get donuts but they weren't fresh yet and I didn't feel like waiting."

Yeonjun hummed while rubbing his eyes. "Hungry."

"I already made you something. I'll heat it up for you, go sit."

Yeonjun plopped down on the couch waiting for him. When he waited her heard Soobin singing gently to himself in the kitchen.

"Say you love me, say you love me till the end of the world. All or nothing I want all of you~"

"Soobinnie your voice is pretty."

He blushed heavily while walking over with his food. "Oh n-no it's not."

"It is though, it's deep and sounds nice. I think it's sexy."

He blushed even more. "Uhhhh right mmm here's your food."

He laughed. "No need to get embarrassed Binnie, but sing to me more often please."


*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Currently listening to 0X1=Lovesong


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