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"Oh you're alive." Taehyun spoke as he saw Soobin walking towards him in the hall. "I heard what happened on your night out with Liv."

Soobin gave a confused look. "How?"

"Apparently some people from this school were there, they record it, it went viral look." He pulled the video up and showed him. "It's already has 50k views and 2k likes."


"Look at the comments. 'That guy must've really fucked him up because he's doing amazing with this song'." Taehyun laughs. "You became really popular."

Soobin sighed. "Thanks Tae, you are so comforting."

"Hey!" They both turned seeing two students staring at them. "Aren't you the guy in the video? Dude, What did you do to him?" He asked.

Soobin just walked away shaking his head. This was embarrassing.

He walked into class and everyone was whispering. Did the whole school know? It happened last night.

He sat down and immediately put his forehead on the table. After class he went to the library to study and the whispers seemed to follow.

Someone kill me.

That's when he saw Yeonjun walk in.

I take that back.

The older male was with someone though. They took a seat at a table far enough away for them not to notice Soobin staring.

Yeonjun was talking to him and he looked distressed, the guy took Yeonjun's hand and Soobin saw him smile softly at him and nod. The guy caressed his cheek and he laughed a little nodding again at something he said.

Soobin's stomach twisted before his view of them was cut off by Olivia sitting down in front of him.

"Hey Binnie."

"Oh uhh hey." He leaned to the side a little trying to look around her.

"I feel like I failed my test today it was so hard I hate math."

"Uh huh."

"And we had a sub who was a total ass to everyone for no reason."


"And this girl in class-hey!"

"Huh?" Soobin looked at her.

"Are you listening?" She asked glaring at him.

"Yeah of course failed test other things yeah." He peaked around again.

Olivia turned around and saw Yeonjun who was laughing with some guy.

"That's Chan."


"You asked who that was?"

I did? Must've spoke without thinking.

"He's a fourth year, he's graduating this year. He's also on the school's swim team." She murmured opening up one of her novels.

"Why is he talking to Yeonjun?"

"Why do you care?" She asked looking at him.

"I-I don't."


Soobin bit his lip and looked down.


"I have a swim meet tonight, you'll come right?"

"Of course I wouldn't miss it for the-" Someone shoulder bumped him and he turned to look at them. "Yah!"

The guy looked at him. "What?"

"Watch where the fuck you're going!" He snapped.

"Or what?"

Yeonjun grabbed his arm and snapped it like a twig making him scream out in pain.

He grabbed his shirt. "You tell anyone who did this to you and your dick is next." He pushed him to the ground and stood up. "Let's go."

Chan whistled as he smirked at him. He had a thing for crazy.

Later that night at the game Yeonjun was sitting with Ryujin since Yeji was actually the assistant coach for the team.

"Lets go Yej lead us to victory!" Ryujin cheered, Yeji waved at her as she smiled at her. "God she's so pretty."

Yeonjun chuckled and saw Chan go up next.

"GO CHANNIE!" Yeonjun cheered.

Chan turned and blew him a kiss. Yeonjun rolled his eyes and laughed a little.

"He likes you."

"He's an idiot." He murmured. "He's been flirting with me non stop since I've gotten back, he's the new kid in my class."

"Soooo what's stopping you?"

Yeonjun looked at her. "I'm not...ready."

"It's been two years."

"A year and ten months."

"Close enough." Chan came in first and Yeonjun clapped for him. "You like him don't you?"

"It's not like that. He's just good company."

"He could be boyfriend company if you'd stop letting that giant dummy get to you."

"Don't call him that." Yeonjun said and then sighed. "It's not about him."

"Then what's stopping you?"

He bit his lip and was about to answer when he glared at something...or someone.

"Oh God." Ryujin covered her face. "Why us almighty beings?" She said looking up at the sky.

Soobin sat down with Taehyun eating snacks and talking. The younger male happened to turn around and catch Yeonjun's death glare before quickly turning back around.

"Crap." He murmured.

"What?" Soobin asked.

"Pissed off ex at 6 o'clock." Soobin turned around and saw Yeonjun stand and walk towards them.

"Oh shit." He murmured turning back around.

"Hey Taehyun." Yeonjun said sitting in between them.

"H-Hi Junnie, good to see you."

Yeonjun smiled. "You too. Oooo chips love these." He took them from him and started eating them. "Yum hey Soobinnie you should have some too." He dumped them on top of his head before smashing the bag against his face, he stood up and stormed off.

Soobin sighed and then stood up. "First my soju, now my chips, I hope he doesn't decide to drop a block of cement on my head next." He walked away to find the bathroom.

Taehyun just whistled and sipped his drink. He wasn't hungry anyways.

Soobin new one of the swimmers who gave him permission to borrow one of his shirts from his locker.

He washed the crumbs out of his hair and dried it using his some spare clean towels.

When he left to go return to the game he heard someone, it was singing.

"Say you love me, say you love me, till the world ends. All or nothing I want all of you~"

Where have I heard that before?...wait.

He peaked around the corner and saw Yeonjun sitting on the floor, cheeks damp with tears as he played with a ring. He recognized the ring.

It was the one he got them for their one year anniversary.

"Say you love me, say love me, till the world ends. All or nothing I give all of you~"

He kept it after all this time.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

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