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Soobin didn't say anything about the weird phone call, he didn't think much of it after it happened.

He was sitting in their math class next to Yeonjun who was working on a math project on his computer.

"Babe do you need any help?" He asked not looking at him as he took notes that he missed.

"No I got it."

"Just let me know okay."

"Thanks Soobin."


Yeonjun glanced at his phone and ignored the message.


Then a few seconds later...

Ding Ding!

Yeonjun turned his ringer off but then his phone started vibrating. Soobin looked over at his phone, he got a glimpse of the screen but didn't see who it was since Yeonjun turned it face down.

He looked at his boyfriend who shifted in his seat a little.

"Who's texting you?" He asked, he wasn't mad just curious.

"No one."

He chuckled. "Well it's definitely someone since your phone keeps turning on, I can see the screen lighting up."

"It's no one Soobin probably just a wrong number."

"Then block it."

"I'm busy right now."

"I can do it for you so you can focus." He went to pick up his phone but Yeonjun snatched it away.

"No!" He put his phone in his bag. "Don't worry about it I'm fine."



"Has Yeonjun said anything to you at all?" Soobin asked Hyunjin. "You two are close I know he talks to you about his problems."

"He does but he's my bestfriend I respect his privacy so anything he says to me stays between us." He said as they stood outside on campus.

"No I understand that it's just he's acting weird. Last night after dinner he got a phone call so I answered it the person asked for Yeonjun but hung up when I asked who was speaking. And in class today he kept getting text messages and when I reached for his phone he took it. He never hides his phone from me we even know each other's passwords."

Hyunjin frowned. "Oh."

"Sounds like he's cheating." They turned and saw Changbin standing off to the side but in ear reach.

Soobin glared at him. "Don't eavesdrop on people's conversations and don't accuse my boyfriend of cheating he would never do that!" He snapped.

Changbin sighed. "All I'm saying is the same thing happened with one of my other friends. His girlfriend was acting weird, then she would go out and give blunt answers to where she was going, then she became distant, wouldn't do dates, changed the password to her phone, all these things led up to him finding her lip locking another guy." He sucked his teeth shaking his head.

"Shut up Changbin!" Hyunjin snapped through his teeth.

He looked at Soobin's face, he looked worried, Changbin's words obviously got to him.


"He wouldn't." He shook his head. "He wouldn't cheat. Maybe there's something going on with his family and it's private."

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