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Yeonjun didn't speak as he tried to process what she said but Soobin wanted more answers.

"How is that even possible? How could you keep this from him for so long?"

"Whenever Yeonjun got close to finding it out or whenever something went wrong...we erased it."

"And who's been messing with his memories now? Why is Dongjun in his head?"

"There's a chip in the back of his head. I'm sure he's accessing it that way meaning the man who created him is back."

"Then we need to get it out! What if they track him?"

"Trust me it doesn't do that or they'd already be here for him."

Beomgyu looked at Yeonjun who was staring down at the floor not soaking.

"...I can't believe this."

"Yeonjun has always meant a lot to Dongjun. He's basically bionic, he's strong, he's extremely smart but those parts of you lay dormant, he's trying to get the old you back because that's when those parts of you wake up. When you're angry. You have no idea what you're capable of."

Yeonjun suddenly stood and left.

"Daniel!" Isabelle and Beomgyu called but Soobin stood.

"Let me." He went after him to their room and closed the door. "...what's on your mind?"

He scoffed rubbing his head. "That's a funny question. What's on my mind? Apparently I don't have one because my parents have been fucking with it!" He yells. "Bionic? What is this some sort of fucked up X-Men or Disney Lab Rats bullshit?"


"My life has been a lie everything I know could be fake! I get mad at you for not understanding me but I don't even understand me, I have no idea who I am!"

Soobin sits down and lets him vent.

"I was killed Soobin and they put me inside of a...of a vessel! Is anything I feel even my own feelings? Is my love for you even real, did someone program that too?"

"Yeonjun." He says and stands up hugging him. "That's not possible, I know this is real."

He relaxes in his touch.

"But what if it's not?"

"It doesn't matter. As long as you're right here, I know if this is all fake, if this is all a meaningless dream, it doesn't matter because it's real enough, we're real enough to each other."

Yeonjun teared up and snuggled into his chest.

"You'll always be my one and only Daniel."

He blushed and looked up at him. "Soobi-mmph." He melted as their lips pressed together and he felt his heart swell and Soobin was right.

If this was fake it felt real, the way he felt right now was real, his heart pounding in his chest was the real, the feeling of Soobin's lips and touch was real.

Their love was undeniable, and it was enough to keep someone like Yeonjun sane.

But for how much longer?

Yeonjun pulled away and Soobin looked worried.

"What's wrong?"

He shook his head. "Nothing." He rested his head on his shoulder. "I'm just...scared."

"I'll always be right here don't worry."

"That's what I'm afraid of."


Yeonjun had been sleeping a lot, a lot more than usual. He did it because his dreams always some how reflected what was happening in reality. He looked for answers in a sea of dreams, places that would never manifest in his reality.

And every end to his dream left him more and more afraid but he came to terms with it each and every time he closed his eyes.

"Baby~are you up?" Soobin said as he walked in.

Yeonjun smiled and sat up. "Yes, morning Binnie."

"Morning beautiful, so, I was um...I was gonna wait to give this to you as a Christmas gift or something but it seems like now is appropriate."

He dug in his pocket and pulled out a ring box. He opened it and it was a pink diamond ring, his eyes widened and filled with tears.


"It's a promise ring." He takes it out. "You're mine Yeonjun, until the very end, until one of us takes our last breath and I pray to God that it's me, you're mine."

He gently takes Yeonjun's hand and slips it onto his ring finger.

"I didn't get you anything." He says as Soobin wipes his tears away.

"Nonsense, you'll always be enough. Just you."

Yeonjun grabbed his face and kissed him. Soobin smiled into it and kissed him back, tears still flowing down his cheek as he felt his back touch the bed and Soobin's body hovering over him. Taking his hands and gently moving them above his head completely under his will.

He pulled away and let out a choked sob.

"I love you Soobin." He says, and it was the most beautiful I love you Soobin had ever heard. His eyes glossy but he could see his reflection in them, Yeonjun would only ever have eyes for him and he knew that.

"I love you too." He says back just as quickly as the first time he said it.

And soon they were bare, warm, sweaty bodies touching each other and moving in a familiar rhythm and Yeonjun couldn't stop crying. He couldn't forgive himself for his doubts, he couldn't forgive himself for hurting Soobin time and time again.

This man was his first love and he was going to be his last.

"S-Soobin." He chokes out. "C-Close~"

He presses warm kisses on his face as he feels Yeonjun dig his nails in his arms, and this reminds him that these things didn't always have to be rushed, sometimes taking it slow was enough, it all still felt the same with Soobin.

It didn't take long before the icy rain finally fell, cooling their warm bodies down as Soobin laid next to him.

And even though they did this a million times before this time felt a bit different to Yeonjun, and every doubt finally left his mind. They were real and even though their days were numbered, Yeonjun knew Soobin would be next to him.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Then end of the story is coming quickly 😁

Probably in the next 10 chapters or so, we definitely have less that 20 chapters left

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