Twenty Seven

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Soobin wasn't expecting to come home and his house be half empty. He didn't know how or when Yeonjun finished unpacking but he did it fairly quickly.

He got cleaned up and immediately went to bed despite it being in the middle of the day, then he didn't leave until he had to.

The next few days he noticed that he didn't see Yeonjun at all, not in his classes, not at his usual spots, he even heard that he left his band which definitely made Hyunjin, Ryujin, and Chnagbin hate him more.

"His number is out of service." He hears Hyunjin say one day. "I haven't seen him since the day we went out to walk together. After he...saw Soobin kissing that girl."

"You don't think don't think he would've killed himself right?" Changbin asked slowly.

Soobin's heart dropped.

"Oh no he would never do that. Not after what happened to his friend a few years back, he knows the effect a suicide does to others who knew that person."

"So what do you think happened?"

"I think he just...needs time and I understand that. He'll come back when he's ready."

And that was almost two years ago.


"Soobin what do you wanna get for lunch?" Olivia asked while holding his arm.

"I'm not hungry."

"Nonsense I know this really yummy restaurant and..."

"I'm really okay."

She stopped walking which made Soobin do the same. She was looking up at him with a huge grin.

"I think you wanna have lunch with me Soobinnie."

"Soobinnie! Did you like the song."

"I told you not to call me that." He murmured.

"I'm your girlfriend, I can't give you nicknames now?"

Soobin didn't say anything, he just continued to stare down at his feet.

"Let's do a self barbecue place." She lead him out the school.

Soobin cooked her food while she texted someone on her phone.

"I can't believe Yeonjun just disappeared off the face of the earth like that."

Soobin looked at her. "Don't mention him around me."

She giggled. "Why? You broke up with him."

"I don't care."

"I'm sorry Soobinnie."

"I'm sorry Soobinnie, hahaha please stop tickling me!"

"I said to stop calling me that."

"Because your precious Junnie did? News flash, he's gone Soobin, you broke up with him."


"Because what?" Her eyes narrowing at him.

"...nothing." He murmured and put her food on the plate in front of her. "Eat."

She smiled. "Thank you."


"Soobinnie!" Yeonjun engulfed Soobin in a hug and kissed him. "Happy 1 year anniversary."

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