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The song Yeonjun's band will be playing is up top, Aint It Fun by Paramore is the first song I heard by them and I was in love 😍


This didn't make any sense.

"Are you alright?"

Soobin snapped out of his daze.

"Do you know Yeonjun?"

The guy smirked. "Yeah the cutie with the piercings, hung out with him yesterday. He's got an attitude I like that."

Soobin couldn't believe what he was hearing. So Yeonjun didn't have a project and instead was hanging out with a guy from class?

Why didn't he just tell him? Soobin's not the jealous type it's not like he would've said no, so why lie?

"What...what did you two do?"

"What are you his boyfriend?"

Soobin wanted to punch this guy, he wanted to yell and curse him out but he didn't. Instead he just walked away, his eyes fixated on the floor and his steps were short and quick.

He needed air.

He sat down on a bench and started to think of every possible explanation for this. Yeonjun wouldn't cheat he refused to believe that he would cheat on him. He wouldn't.

Maybe he was scared to tell him about Mingi because he thought he'd get jealous, but Yeonjun knows Soobin so that can't be it.

He bit his lip and let out a deep sigh looking up at the sky.


"We're up next." Yeonjun said looking at Soobin who didn't look like he was listening but instead focused more on his shoes. "Soobin?"


"Is everything okay?"

Soobin stared at him for a moment.

"...I love you Yeonjun."

He watched as he blushed and smiled at him.

"I love you too Binnie."

And that's all he needed to settle his shaking heart. He believed him, he could see it in his eyes that Yeonjun really did love him.

He pecked his lips. "You'll do great."

"Thanks Binnie."

Ryujin was watching the two along with Hyunjin, they exchanged looks with each other before going up on stage when they were called.

"I don't mind.
Letting you down easy, but just give it time.
If it don't hurt now then just wait, just wait a while.
You're not the big fish in the pond no more.
You are what they're feeding on."

Yeonjun always looked so lively on stage, he held the mic with such gentleness and sang with such a beautiful voice. He could never keep still while singing, always dancing around and bopping his head to the beat.

"So what are you gonna do, when the world don't orbit around you?
So what are you gonna do, when the world don't orbit around you?"

Yeji was jumping up and down with her hands in the air.

"I LOVE YOU BLACK HELL AAHHHH!" She squealed loudly.

"Ain't it fun?
Living in the real world.
Ain't it good?
Being all alone."

Soobin stared at Yeonjun, a small closed mouthed smile on his face. They made eye contact and Yeonjun winked at him with a cute smile.

Yeonjun was his no matter what, he trusts him he has no reason not to and for awhile, Soobin always knew he had his secrets.


"Aah~h-harder Binnie~" Yeonjun moaned out. "Oh shit harder!"

"You're mines Yeonjun." He grunted out. "Do you understand?"

Yeonjun nodded vigorously then felt his hand wrap around his neck, he held his wrist keeping his hand there as he voiced out his pleasure.

"Say it."

"Y-Yours!" He cried out gripping his bicep with his other hand, his nails digging into his skin. "I'm yours Binnie only yours!"

"Say it again."

"Y-Yours~" He bit his lip as his legs tightened around his waist. "I-I wanna cum, I'm close!"

Soobin started to jerk him off feeling his end coming close too.

Yeonjun trembled and threw his head back releasing in Soobin's hand.

"Oh fuck Soobin." He breathed out. "H-Hurry."

Soobin pinned Yeonjun's arms above his head and started thrusting faster before letting out a deep and low groan as he came.

He laid on top of him as he caught his breath.

Yeonjun's eyes fluttered opened and he slowly wrapped his arms around Soobin.


He sat up a little rolling to his side to look at Yeonjun.


"I love you." He kissed him and then moved closer to his body. "So much."

"I love you too baby. So so much."

The next morning Soobin woke up in bed alone and heard a voice coming from the living room. He slowly got up putting a pair of boxers on as he walked out their room quietly.

"I said I was done with him and that's final. I mean it, I'm not gonna put my relationship on the line for some narcissistic asshole like him." He spoke into the phone standing in the kitchen while he stirred something in a pot.

"He's changed?" Yeonjun scoffed. "Guys like him don't change, now stop calling before-"

"Who are you talking to?"

"AAH!" He hung up and quickly turned around. "You're up...did you sleep okay?"

"Yeah." He walked over and pecked his lips. "Who were you talking to?"

"No one it was"

"Work? Do you always talk about your relationship with me to your work people?" He asked looking at the pot behind him. Yeonjun worked at a music store a few blocks from their house, he loved it.

Yeonjun bit his lip. "No."

"Then who was really on the phone? You can tell me I won't get mad if that's what you think."

Yeonjun sighed. "It's really none of your business Soobin."

And now back to square one. What was he hiding and why wouldn't he just tell him?


"I'm gonna take a shower and head out." He started to go back to their bedroom.

"Where are you going?"

"For a walk." He said as he closed the door.

Soobin put his face in his hands before running them through his hair. He was frustrated and he didn't want to doubt him, he didn't want to lose trust, because once that feeling starts it would be hard for him to push it away.

Yeonjun came back in a t shirt, sweats and his acoustic guitar.

"Bye." He murmured as he slipped his shoes on and left.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

I woke up from my nap and was like, "doesn't one of my books get updated today...OH YEAH MY BOYFRIEND" lmaooo almost missed an update 😭

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