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They landed in New York and stayed at Isabelle's friend's house.

"No one will no you are here and security is top notch in this apartment complex."

"Thanks Christian, I owe you big time." She says.

"Nonsense, I'm glad to see you." He smiles at her and she tucks a piece of hair behind her.

Beomgyu cleans his throat. "Ahem. The bags mister." He shoved them into his arms. "Mom, come sit you've been on your feet a lot. Are you thirsty?"

"Mhm." She hums as he guides her to the kitchen.

"Did I do something?" He murmured to himself.

"Not at all." Yeonjun says walking in. "Beomgyu is extremely overprotective. Give him some time and he'll lighten up, oh and don't touch her or he'll pull his gun on you." Soobin helped Yeonjun with his things while Christian stood there processing everything.

Yeonjun settled into their room and Soobin hadn't said anything.

"You haven't spoken?"

"What's there to say? We're here now."

Yeonjun sighs. "You don't understand and that's fine, but just don't be upset." He says gently as he changes out of his clothes. "I need you."

Soobin's eyes softened and he hugged the male tightly. "I'm sorry."

Yeonjun opened his mouth to say something but flinched, he touched his head as it started throbbing and his eyes faded in and out of brown.

"Yeonjun-" He held him up to keep him from falling over and the older looked at him. His eyes didn't look like his own but he knew this was still his Yeonjun.

He gave him a small chuckle. "S-Sorry, just feeling a little weak that's all."

"You should get some rest."

"No." He shakes his head. "This...might be the last time I see you."

"It won't be, don't talk like that."

" you remember the first day we met?" He whispers against his shoulder.

"How could I forget?" A smile in his voice.

"I think my heart knew before I did, that you were the one."

"Really? You hated me."

Yeonjun laughed. "Yeah well, not completely. In a way, I was drawn to you too."

"Yeah?" They stared at each other before they heard a gentle knock on the door.

It was Christian.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but I was able to locate Dr. Hwang. Beomgyu thinks it's best to leave now, we don't know when everything will activate tomorrow."

Yeonjun nodded. "He's right, let's hurry."


The entire drive there Soobin was shaking.

"Hey." He looked and Beomgyu was putting bullets in his guns. "Fears lead to error, and errors lead to casualties. If you are scared, stay in the car."'

Soobin scoffed. "You can't seriously be fearless right now? You might lose your brother."

"I already know what it feels like to lose him." He shoved the clip into his last gun. "I'm not letting it happen again. You do what it takes to keep him safe, understand?"

" blame yourself for what happened?"

"Everyday." Beomgyu looks at Yeonjun who is fast asleep in the backseat. As soon as they walked out the door he complained about a headache and blacked out for a moment.

"If...if I stayed by his side like we promised as kids, if I were stronger, he would've never got captured, he wouldn't have been killed and practically taken apart. He wouldn't be in this mess."

"I'll be your big brother no matter what. We'll fight together."

"Yeah! And I'll beat up anyone who tries to hurt you! I promise!"

"Me too, I promise."'

Beomgyu shook his head. "I'm not talking about this right now I need to focus."

"We're here." Christian parked the car. "They must be inside there." He pointed at the hangar up ahead. "So how do you wanna do this?"

"Fast." Beomgyu said. "I say we drive the car in there and start shooting."

"Ben I taught you better than that. We have no idea how many people are in there and we need Dr. Hwang alive to shut down Daniel's chip."

"Well Dongjun isn't gonna exactly welcome us back with open arms and fatherly love. We can't just walk in there."

"And the place has to have some sort of security so breaking in, isn't exactly an option either."

"I can go." Yeonjun speaks up. "Christian did you bring any ear pieces?"

"Uh yeah yeah."

"I'll walk in, they want me. I'll look around and see what exactly we're up against."

"Hell no, you aren't walking in there by yourself." Soobin says.

"What other choice do we have. We have to do something."

"No he's right, this is a good plan. They won't kill him, they need Yeonjun."

They all got out while Christian hooked up his earpiece.

"We'll be able to hear the entire time. Try to slip in anything that will let us know what we're dealing with."


Soobin stared at him before speaking. "He can barely stand up on his own, he can't defend himself like this."

Yeonjun touched his head. "Soobin, it's now or never. We don't have a lot of options." He looked at everyone. "Before go in there, I need you all to promise me something."

"What is it?" Beomgyu asks.

"If Dongjun succeeds, if this doesn't work and he gets a hold of me. I need you to promise you'll kill me."



"How could you even ask something like that? As if I don't blame myself enough for what happened now you want us to do it on purpose?" He yelled. "Fuck you, I won't do it. We can fight him, we'll win!"

Yeonjun smiles before hugging him.

"I need someone to put my mind to rest Beomgyu. Please?"

Beomgyu blinks away the tears. "...only as a last resort."

"Thank you, good by-"

"See you later." Beomgyu cuts in. "I'll see you later."

Yeonjun pulls back and nods. "See you later." He looks at Soobin who immediately shakes his head.

"You'll come back, the faster you go the faster I'll be able to see you. So go."

Isabelle watched him start to walk over and subconsciously holds Beomgyu's hand.

"To whatever God is listening, please keep my boy safe."

*・゜゚・*:....:*'(*゚▽゚*)'*:.. ..:*・゜゚・*

Dun dun duuuuuuuun

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