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It's Christmas Eve yaayyy!!!
Happy holidays


"Oh pretty please Soobin?" Beomgyu asked.

"It would really mean a lot to us. Just for the weekend that's all." Isabelle added.

Soobin sighed and looked at the puppy Beomgyu was holding. He didn't want a pet, he didn't want anything anymore, he just wanted to be alone.

It was almost four full months without Yeonjun. Everyday was harder and harder for him.

"He really needs a home while his foster parents are out of town. He's kinda like you...he was separated from his family too, just for the weekend Soobin." Isabelle says.

He groaned. "Alright fine." He took it from Beomgyu's arms and stared at it blankly.

"I'll bring you his over the night bag. It has everything he needs." Beomgyu headed back to the car and once they told him how to take care of him they left.

Soobin put the dog down and watched as he went to a corner and laid down.

"Jeez what's up with you? Aren't puppies supposed to be energetic?"

The puppy rolled into its side and seemed to be staring off into space. Soobin left it alone and put food and water in its bowls before heading to the couch to lay down, just to be woken up by a loud ruckus in his room.

He rubbed his head while sitting up. "When did I fall asleep?" He heard the noise again and looked over seeing that the puppy was gone. "Shit!"

He jumped up and ran to his room seeing that the dog shredded his sheets, peed on the floor, and chewed his furniture.

"What the hell?" He yelled.

He looked down and the dog was tugging on Yeonjun's sweater.

"You little mutt!" He pulled it away from him but it was too late, he destroyed it.

Soobin stared down at it before picking the dog up and putting it outside slamming the door before calling Kai.

"Hi Soob-"

"HE DESTROYED IT!" He yelled into the phone.

"Who? Wait destroyed what?"

"This damn dog that Beomgyu threw on me! He destroyed my room and Yeonjun's favorite sweater!"

Kai chuckled a little.

"What's funny?"

"Binnie. Remember when you got back, just after Yeonjun died and destroyed the room you were staying in because you were angry?"

"It's different."

"How so?"


"See? It's not. Soobin just like you, the puppy needs extra love and a lot of patience. Just be there for him like we were for you. He'll come around with time."

"...I guess you're right." He thanked Kai and hung up before opening the door seeing the puppy wandering around the front yard.

"YAH!" He yelled.

He looked up at him.

Does this thing have a name?

"I'm gonna call you...Anju." He says and the dog just stares at him. "Uhh...come here...please?"

Anju continues to sit there.

He sighed and walked over to him kneeling down.

"We got off on the wrong foot before. You know what it's like to lose someone too." He reached out to pet him just for the puppy to bite him.

"Ow!" He yanked his hand away and rubbed it. "Damn it Anju!"


"That's not how you roll over. It's like this." And then Soobin rolled on the floor. "Go on."

Anju stared at him before lifting his leg up and peeing on the floor.



"Anju let's go for a walk." He put his collar and leash on but the dog was stubborn and wouldn't move. "Don't you want fresh air?"

He groaned and sat down in front of him.

"Well what do you wanna do?" He asked. "I'm just trying to help you and make you happy." He took his leash off.

Anju laid down on the floor and Soobin nodded.

"I like your way of thinking." He laid down next to him and they spent that afternoon asleep on the floor.


Soobin spent the next few days laughing and playing with the pup who warmed up to him.

Anju rolled over and Soobin picked him hugging him.

He took him to the park and they played fetch and went out for ice cream. Soobin had to admit that he had a lot more fun than he thought he would with Anju.

The day Beomgyu and Isabelle came by to pick him up Soobin was...hesitant.

"What's gonna happen to him?"

"Well he's gonna stay with his foster parents to until he's adopted or taken back to the pound."

He's holding Anju in his arms and Beomgyu holds his hands out to take him.

"Thanks for watching him. I hope he wasn't trouble."

"N-No." He slowly handed him over making Anju whine. "Can't Anju come and visit?"

"Anju?" Isabelle asked. "You named him?"

"Well I wasn't aware if he had one or not so I just gave him one."

She nods. "Well we'll be going." They turn to leave but Soobin stops them.

"W-Wait!" He ran over. "I want him!"

"You wanna adopt him?" Beomgyu asked.

He takes the dog back and he wags his tale licking Soobin's face.

"Yeah, I wanna keep him."

Isabelle smiles. "I'm happy to hear that. Poor guy had been through so much and no one would adopt him because he acted 'funny'. I'm glad you two got along."

"Watch this." He puts him down. "Roll over Anju!"

He does so with cute little yaps and yips because he hadn't built up his bark yet.

"Spin around." Anju walks in a circle and Soobin laughs. "High five!" He kneels down and Anju jumps up with his two small paws and high fives him, before jumping on Soobin. He laughs and Beomgyu and Isabelle high five each other.

"Good job Beomgyu. How did you know he would come around?" She whispered to him.

"He's taught me that anyone can change. Even the most stubborn with time. Let's leave the two love birds alone."

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

I gave you all a break this chapter but not the next one 😀

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