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Yeonjun sat down next to Soobin on their flight to Los Angeles, California.

"Why do we have to go to America for you to explain why you cheated on me?" Soobin asked bluntly.

"What I was going to say would've been unbelievable to you. It's best if I show you."

The long flight ended with them staying at a motel since it was 3am.

"We'll leave early in the morning and he'll explain everything." Yeonjun said while changing.


"My father."

"...I'm gonna meet your dad?"

"Sadly." He muttered while laying down. "Get some sleep."

Soobin laid down awkwardly and then put a pillow between them. Yeonjun felt the pillow but ignored it and tried not to cry.

He missed Soobin.


Morning rolled around, after showers and a quick breakfast they started the drive to Yeonjun's dad's place.

"Listen to me Soobin. My dad is not what you think, if I tell you to run you need to do it without hesitation."

Those words sent shivers down Soobin's spine but he agreed. They arrived at the house, it was huge and very nice and also guarded by big guys with guns.

"What the-"

"Do not speak unless spoken to and do not make eye contact." Yeonjun said as they got out the car. "They don't like no names here."

"Yeonjun where are we? Why did you-"

"I promise I'll tell you everything when we sit with him just do as I say please." He looked worried and Soobin could tell.

He nodded and Yeonjun led the way, Soobin stared down at Yeonjun's feet the entire time they walked. He heard Yeonjun greet the guards and they let them in, they walked for awhile until he heard Yeonjun speak again, presumably to other guards before they walked inside a room.

He was met with an old looking rug and then heard the door shut behind them. Yeonjun had stopped walking and he slowly looked around the room.

It was an office, a very nice office at that, dim and mature.


"Yeonjun." His father's voice was deep. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Don't get excited." Yeonjun's voice was scary, he sounded angry but his voice was lower than usual. "I'm only here because my relationship is on the line and it's your fault."

His father laughed. "So this is the guy Mingi told me about?" His voice was condescending and Soobin tried not to look offended.

"Tell Soobin what you did?"

"Look at me boy."

Soobin gulped and slowly tilted his head up then his eyes widened.

"Do you know who I am?"


"Choi Dongjun, the famous mafia leader."

"Infamous." Yeonjun murmured with an eye roll.

"I see you still have a mouth, don't let it get you in trouble Yeonjun." He looked away from him. "So what seems to be the issue that is my fault?"

"Why did you send Mingi to watch me?" Yeonjun snapped. "How could you do that?"

"He was the next best thing, your brother wasn't having any luck reaching you."

"Mingi is apart of this?" Soobin asked.

Yeonjun glared at him. "Don't. Speak." He said through closed teeth.

Soobin forgot that was one of the rules. He looked at Dongjun, his eyes dark and narrowed at him. If looks could kill he would be long gone.

"Yes Mingi is apart of this, Yeonjun and him grew up together. Very sweet boy."

"An annoying boy who kissed me without my permission." Yeonjun looked at Soobin. "I would never betray you like that Soobin, I promise if you would've stayed a few seconds longer you'd see the black eye I gave him."

Soobin remembered overhearing Hyunjin talking about that but was too heartbroken to care.

So that's where the black eye came from. Yeonjun punched him.

He tried not to smile or laugh at the thought.

"And the unknown number was Beomgyu, my brother trying to get me to rejoin under my father's wishes."

Soobin stared blankly trying to process this.

"It's a lot to process, I was scared that if I told you back home you wouldn't believe me. I didn't want to bring you to this awful place."

His father scoffed. "Please, you took pleasure in the crimes you committed."

"Liar!" Yeonjun yelled. "I never wanted to do those things."

"The thrill that coursed through your veins every time you stole, that smirk every time you pulled the trigger and blew someone's brains out-"

"Stop it!" He covered his ears. "I...I didn't want to Soobin I swear, he made me I didn't want to!"

"I raised you to be the best liar, seems you are losing your touch since this amateur found out about you." He murmured leaning back on his desk.

"Soobin takes care of me, he loves me unlike you, you just used me for your own benefit."

"All those things I taught you, gone to waste because you wanted to be normal. Look around. This will always be your life, this is your normal." He started to walk closer to him. "I own you, no matter where you go, no matter how far you try to run I will always find you."

"Leave him alone." Soobin spoke up only to get a gun pointed in his face by Dongjun, but that wasn't the surprising part.

What caught him off guard was Yeonjun pulling out a gun that was tucked away in his pants and pointing it at his dad before saying...

"If you pull that trigger it will be the last thing you ever do, I will kill you where you stand. Don't fuck with me."

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Double update??? 😊

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