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Yeonjun opened his eyes slowly, the morning rays blinding him and making the male groan and roll over.

"Soobin?" He called.

When he didn't get an answer he sat up rubbing his eyes as he looked around the small motel room.

"Binnie?" He got up and went to the bathroom and he wasn't there. "Soobin!" He started frantically putting his shoes on and when he went to open the door, it started to open itself.

He stepped back and watched Soobin walked in with takeout.

"You're awake."

Yeonjun burst into tears. "Where were you?" He cried. "I thought they took you!"

Soobin sat the food down and hugged him. "I'm sorry baby I tried to wake you, I decided to just let you sleep. I'm sorry." He rubbed his back.

Yeonjun snuggled into his chest. "I'm so glad you're okay."

"Come eat, you need the energy." They sat down on the floor. "That explains your amazing English, you're American."

"Mhm. I got out the mob, changed my name, and moved to Korea to start over. That box like I said was in case he found me."

"You were going to move and start over again?"

"Yes, the plan was just to get by...then you came along. You were so sweet and kind and charming I wanted to hate you...but I just couldn't. I knew that being with you could put you in danger and I didn't want that."

"You've had this on your chest for years? Baby I wish you would've told me sooner."

"I didn't think you liked me that much Soobin." He said with a small laugh.

Soobin ate his fries. "Well you are my future husband so I think I like you a lot."

Yeonjun blushed and looked down.

"I've missed you Yeonjun."

"I've missed you too."

Soobin bit his lip before setting his burger down and crawling forward capturing his lips on his own. It was just a peck, then Yeonjun leaned forward giving him a chaste kiss as well before he grabbed his face and kissed him harshly, Soobin returned it, their tongues grazing over each other.

Yeonjun hummed against his lips and let Soobin lay him down on the floor. His lips danced against his skin, he moaned as he kissed a spot on his neck that sent waves through his body.

"Soobin~" he mewled.

He pulled away. "You're hurt we can't do this."

"Like hell we can." He smashed their lips together and started to unbutton Soobin's pants at the same time.

"Fuck Yeonjun." He picked him up and laid him in bed.

"I want you." He murmured against his lips. "Please hurry."

"Patience." He whispered against his skin, he pressed gentle kissed all over his neck. He undressed his boyfriend leaving him naked and bare, his body a canvas and his mouth the paint brush. He wanted to kiss every part of him.

"I've missed you so much Binnie." Yeonjun breathed out and Soobin smiled against his hot skin.

"What do you want me to do for you?"

"Just fuck me please."

"But I wanna kiss you more." He says and starts to suck hickies on the inside of his thigh.

"Aah~" his legs trembled and he already feels the urge to cry. Soobin is so perfect, so gentle, he loves it and he loves him. The way he could always back up his words with actions, because he can feel how much Soobin cares for him and loves him with no words exchanged.

"S-Soobin please just put it in." He missed the feeling of him inside, hitting the deepest parts of him. Parts that made his body shake and convulse because fuck Soobin is just that good.

"But we have the entire day and night ahead of us."

Yeonjun shook his head. "I-I can't wait please!"

Soobin brought his lips to his cock but he didn't suck it or lick it, he kissed it, he worshipped every part of Yeonjun's body.

Each kiss and gentle rub brought Yeonjun closer and closer into frenzy. He tried bucking his hips up but Soobin held them down, he tried using his hands to push Soobin's head down but he threatened him.

"I will leave you like this if you don't stop."

"N-No please don't." He begged. "'M sorry I-I want you so bad."

"You want what?"

"Y-You!" He reached down to touch himself but Soobin smacked his hands away making him whine in frustration, he was painful hard he needed something. "Damn it Soobin fuck me!"

"Not yet."

Yeonjun couldn't take much more of this, he suddenly sat up and pushed Soobin down on the bed so he was on his back, he pulled down Soobin's pants and boxers just enough and sank down on his cock without permission. He threw his head back immediately letting out a mantra of moans.

"You're being a bad boy Junnie." Soobin said caressing his thigh as he watched his boyfriend ride him. "You look like such a slut right now."

"Mhm nngh~" He let his hands rest on his chest and he rode him faster. "You're being m-mean." He stuttered out. His eyes rolled to the back of his head. "Wanna cum." He bit his lip, drool running down his chin.

"F-Fuck!" Soobin groaned out.

Yeonjun starts to murmur, Soobin can make out a few words but not many, it just sounded like a collage of moans and whines.

Soobin squeezed his ass, pulling his cheeks apart before thrusting up into him.

"Aahhh!" His head hangs down and he sobs. "Oh fuck please!" His arms give out, chest to chest with him, his mouth is to Soobin's ear letting out all his sinful noises.

"You sound so sexy baby." He continues to abuse his hole. "You feel good."

"Mhmmm~nngh!" He digs his nails into his shoulders. "Y-Yes just like that baby."

"You look so cute when you're high off my dick." He slaps his ass and Yeonjun yelps starting to meet his thrusts. "Mines right baby?"

"Shit yes! I'm yours, o-only you can fuck me like this! I b-belong to you~yours Binnie 'm yours!" He gasps. "THERE!"

Soobin angles his thrusts and hits those bundles of nerves over and over. Any room near them could hear and Soobin was definitely aware of the people who were next door since he walked past them earlier on his way back.

He would have to apologize for the noise later.

"Shit Soobin I'm close!"

Soobin switches their position so he's on top, he holds Yeonjun's waist firmly. Yeonjun stops speaking, he can't, not when he's engulfed in pleasure like this.

"I'm gonna cum inside of you."'

Yeonjun nods frantically and only whines in response. Soobin cums, he let's our a loud low groan, he bites his lip and closed his eyes rolling his hips into Yeonjun's prostate.

He feels Yeonjun clench around him, he cums hard, his back arched, his eyes rolled to the back of his head, his mouth hanging open and Soobin buried deep inside of him. His body jerks and shakes, he moans for what feels like ten minutes.

His orgasm lasting longer than expected, then the room goes dark.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Smut chap.

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