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"Good morning Mrs. Choi, hey Beomgyu!" Soobin greets as he walks into the house he had bought them.

"Soobinnie~" Isabelle runs over and hugs him. "My favorite son in law."

Soobin blushed heavily. " law?"

Beomgyu rolled his eyes. "Mom, there is no way Yeonjun would actually marry this guy."

"Oh hush, they are perfect together. Soobin is just what our Danny needs." She rubs his back. "What brings you here? Where's Junnie?"

"He wasn't feeling well, he didn't really want me there right now but my best friend Taehyun is looking after him while I'm gone. He's in good hands."

"Well that's good. So what brings you here? Oh, have you eaten? Let me get you something to-"

"Mrs. Choi I'm quite alright but I need to speak with you about Yeonjun."

She looks worried. "What's wrong?"

"It's just...he's told me things about this...other side of him. A side of him he tried to keep locked away, the side of him that likes...killing. But I just...I need to understand Yeonjun, I want to, but he pushes me away and I know he isn't telling me everything."

"That's because Daniel doesn't know everything himself." Beomgyu speaks while grabbing himself something to drink.

Isabelle snaps her fingers silencing him before letting out a sigh.

"What exactly has he told you?"

"He's told me about the time he got kidnapped for a week and woke up stabbing a corpse, he told me that he saw Dongjun in our house but there was no sign of a beak in." He explains. "Mrs. Choi, I'm scared that I'm losing him."

Isabelle looks at Beomgyu who shakes his head.

"No. No no no neither one of them are ready." Beomgyu says in English.

"We can't keep this from him forever."

"We made a deal that we'd take this to our graves."

"And maybe that was a mistake. Yeonjun is only going to get worse, he's losing control and too much of his past is coming back to haunt him. He will figure out something is wrong soon."

Beomgyu threw his hand up before pulling at the ends of his hair. "You know what? Whatever, tell him then. Ruin his life!"

"Watch your tone with me Ben I'm still your mother."

He bites his tongue and looks away from her. "'M sorry."

"I understand how you feel about your brother. I understand your need to protect him because you feel that you failed and didn't before, but trust me, you've done good Ben."

He looks at her and nods before she turns and looks at Soobin.

"Sit down Soobin. This is...a lot."

"Shouldn't Yeonjun be here?"

"Yes but-"

"Can't you tell us together? I don't want to keep anything from him anymore. Please, no more secrets."

She thinks about it and nods. "Fine, let's go Ben." They grab their things and head over to Soobin's house.

As they reach the door they hear screams for help.

"Taehyun!" Soobin quickly gets the door open and looks to see Yeonjun trying to kill him with a knife. "Yeonjun stop!"

He immediately snaps out of it but Isabelle didn't miss the way his eyes went from red back to brown.

Once he comes back Beomgyu helps Taehyun up quickly gets him away from Yeonjun.

"What the hell Yeonjun?" Taehyun yells.

Yeonjun looks at everyone's worried and scared faces before he notices the knife in his hand. He drops it and crawls back away from it.

"W-What did I do?" He whispers more to himself.

"Beomgyu get Tae out of here." Soobin says.

Beomgyu takes his wrist. "Come on." He pulls him out and shuts the door to call him a taxi.

"Baby." He kneels down on the floor.

"W-What's wrong with me what's going on?"

"Nothing is wrong you're fine."

"N-No I'm not, I know everyone is lying to me!" He yells. He grips at his hair. "I can hear his voice, he's always screaming make it stop."

"Soobin." Isabelle whispers. "Sing to him. It always calms him down."

He thinks for a moment. "In this world of zero I know you're my one and only. In this endless darkness like oh my gosh so holy. From the tip of my fingers everything runs far away. My life before you was a mess, couldn't win one round of this chest oh we~" He continued to sing until Yeonjun's body stopped trembling and his watery eyes finally met his own.

"Hey, there you are." He tilts his head with a smile. "Come here." He opens his arms for him and he crawls into his lap. "Everything's gonna be okay."


After Yeonjun completely calmed down they all sat in the living room to talk.

"This is going to come as a shock to you and quite frankly you'll hate me for keeping this from you."

"Mom just tell us." He says gently. "I need to know what's wrong with me?"

She takes a deep breath. "The people who took me, were the same people who kidnapped you."


"The day we were under attack they were after you, not me, the way you remember that day isn't right because we...changed it."

"Changed it? How can you change my memory?" He asks still confused. "What is it you aren't tell me?"

" aren't...real. You were killed the day you were kidnapped." Her eyes brimmed with tears as she looked at him.

Yeonjun's heart sank.

"That's...that's impossible, Yeonjun's real he's right here!" Soobin yells.

"Yes he is but this isn't really him, this isn't the boy I gave birth to. You were killed by those men, your father and I hired someone to bring you back to us. He...cloned you using what was left of your body and machine."

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

And there you have it, Yeonjun is Astro Boy

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