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Give me one more chance.

Please, God, whoever might be listening. Just let me see him again.

One more.

One more chance.

I beg of you.

Please give us our happy ending.





Soobin's eyes opened, a room full of light but with nothing in it. A room so beautiful, the sky reflecting onto the floor, if this was heaven he was there. It was warm yet he felt empty, cold, and alone.

The sun didn't kiss him skin leaving it flushed red. He shivered. It was cold.


That voice made his heart skip a beat. It was all too familiar.

"Is someone there?" He called out. His voice echoing throughout this deserted land. "Hello?"

"Please. Help me."

So faint and weak but he heard it. He walked to where he thought it was but he continued to walk deeper into the unknown.

"Call to me!"

Silence fell but after several moments it called out.


"Yeonjun?" He started running. "I know it's him. YEONJUN!" He yelled. "Please give him to me!" He ran and turned looking around.

This heaven, this beautiful world. He didn't want it. He didn't care for it.

"Yeonjun!" He yelled. "YEONJUN!"

Soobin could hear his heart beating against his chest. It was cold but he was sweating, he was shaking. If his heart had a mouth it would be louder than person, animal, or force of nature. It would scream a painfilled scream for the one it loves so deeply.

He felt like he was running for hours. He soon fell to his hands or knees.

"Where ever he is...just let me be with him. If he's suffering let me suffer with him, if he's happy let me support him...please...I love him. Just let me be with him. Please."

He cried and cried, it seemed like it would never stop. He had suffered enough. He remembered everything, he had passed, he was dead but he was here and young again. His soul still aching, his heart still singing the same tune for his love.


His eyes opened and he looked up. 

The room was different. It was dark, it was hot, he could barely breathe the air was thin.


He looked and Yeonjun was sitting a few feet away. Hands and feet bounded to the floor. He looked exhausted and disheveled, but relieved.

"Soobin–" He tried to stand but couldn't.

"Yeonjun!" He ran towards him and fell to his knees hugging him tightly.

He was warm, he still smelled the same. He still felt so soft in his arms.

"You found me! I'm so happy."

"Where ever you are I will always be there." He whispered to him. "Look at you, gosh I missed you so much it was so hard without you."

"I saw everything." He said with a smile. "I wish I could've thanked Haeil myself."

My Boyfriend | YeonbinWhere stories live. Discover now