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Soobin knocked on the guest door gently.

"Your lunch baby." He called.

The door slowly opened and he slid the food in before it closed. He hasn't seen Yeonjun for a week, he wouldn't let him see him, he just hoped he was doing okay in there.

He would sit outside his door telling him about school at the end of their day, when he was about to sleep.

"Hyunjin asked about you again today. I told him you just weren't feeling well, he thinks I did something. He definitely exchanged some words with me, he really misses you." He said.

"Oh also I thought about buying a little succulent. They are tough plants so I won't kill them like I always do."

He stops talking for a moment and puts his forehead against the door.

"Please give me a sign that you are listening." He whispered.

He hears two gentle knocks from the other side which makes him smile.

"I miss you so much." His heart aches. "I need you too, just as much as you need me. Take your time but just remember that I love you and I'm always right here."

He stands and is about to go to his room when he hears the door open.

He turns around and he sees him. Bags under his eyes, pale skin, an exhausted expression but he was okay other than that.

Soobin doesn't say anything, he just opens his arms and lets him walk into them. Yeonjun doesn't say anything either, he just exhales and snuggled up against him.

He could see where he got it from after talking to his mom. They were definitely huggers unlike Beomgyu, but he didn't blame him for how he was.

"Soobin." He says.


"I love you too."

Soobin subconsciously held him tighter.

"Do you need something? Anything?"

"Just hold me." They stayed in the hall, sat on the floor not bothering going to their room and hugged each other for almost an hour before going to bed.

It took Yeonjun another week to finally go see his mom at the bakery. They went after she closed and Soobin offered to stand outside and wait but Yeonjun refused, saying he needed him there.

They sat at a table and she smiled at her son.

"You've become so handsome, well you were already handsome but you're even more handsome now."

Yeonjun didn't say anything and she frowned.

"I'm sorry...I'll explain everything." And she did. She started from the very beginning until the day she saw him.

When she was done Yeonjun stood up and hugged her, she broke into tears as he whispered things to her. She would nod every once in awhile but then she smiled.

"You're a wonderful mother." He says. "I forgive you."

"Thank you thank you." She repeats over and over again. " baby boy oh my gosh I need to talk to him I need to explain-"

"Mother you need to understand...Gyu and I drifted apart a lot. He's the reason Soobin and I broke up he's-"

"That's not true." Soobin speaks up.

Yeonjun looks at him. "What do you mean?"

"He...he told me not to tell you I promised-"

"Soobin." Yeonjun's giving him a look that could kill. "Tell me. Now."

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