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Yeonjun and Soobin sat in front of each other on the bed. It was like a couples therapy session.

"I guess I'll start at the beginning." He took a deep breath. "Uhhh my mom met my dad when she was a first year in high school. She would get bullied and picked on by other kids, my dad helped her one day but told her she was weak and needed to stop letting people walk all over her."

"My mom respected my dad for how well he could carry himself and easily intimidate others. She fell in love with him after he took her in and showed her everything he knew about fighting, guns, stealing, illegal things. A few years later and they had me."

"Your mom was apart of it willingly?"

Yeonjun nodded. "My dad never forced her, deep down I know he truly loved her. After I was born she didn't want this life for me, she wanted me to be better than them, but my dad thought otherwise. And even though my dad is the leader my mom taught my brother and I almost everything we know since our dad was busy."

"...what happened to your brother?"

He sighed. "He wants to run the mafia, I don't want to, but my dad wants me to so natural jealousy. We drifted apart more after my mom...after she died."

"I'm so sorry Yeonjun."

He shook his head. "I wish there was more I could've done, I wish I could've protected her."

5 Years Ago...

Yeonjun and his younger brother Beomgyu stood in front of their mother, Isabelle, in the sparring room.

She smirked at them. "Alright boys hopefully you both paid attention during your lessons. Let's see what you got."

Yeonjun and Beomgyu started to circle her before they both ran towards her, she dodged and watched as Beomgyu tried to land a hit but she dodged again. She never hit back, she stayed in defense the entire time and neither of them could lay a finger on her.

She laughed a little when Beomgyu tripped because of Yeonjun.

"Now boys I don't mean to laugh but surely you both practiced at least once right?"

Yeonjun blushed. "Well Ben stays up all night watching k-dramas!"

"Me? Daniel always keeps me up with his stupid singing!"

"I do not!"

"Yeah you!"

They started to argue not noticing Isabelle moving towards them before flipping them both onto the mat.

"I win again."

Yeonjun groaned. "Look we lost again!"

"Not my fault!" They stood. "Mom I requested we train separately."

She sighed. "Look I won't always be here and neither will your father, you both have to get along and protect each other. Understand?"

They nodded.

"Good. Now let's eat I'm starving." They were about to leave when they suddenly heard gunshots and the alarm going off.

She pushed them back inside and closed the door locking it.

"Grab something!"

Yeonjun grabbed one of the guns and Beomgyu went for the combat knife.

Isabelle slowly backed away from the door hearing the shots get closer.

"What's going on?" Yeonjun asked.

"Where's dad?" Beomgyu added.

"I don't know!" Her heart was racing. They were at the door. "Listen to me whatever happens promise me you'll stick together." She looked at them. "Promise me!"

"We promise."

The door flew open and they did their best to fight off the five guys who came in but one punch to Yeonjun's chest left him with a broken rib.


"Daniel!" Isabelle took her eyes off of the attacker causing him to punch her in the cheek bruising it almost instantly.

"Mom!" Beomgyu was pinned to the floor. "I'll fucking kill you!"

Yeonjun went to aim his gun but someone kicked it out of his hand.

He coughed up blood and did his best to keep his eyes open.


Isabelle was picked up and dragged out the room kicking and screaming.

"MOM!" And one hit to the head left both the boys unconscious.


Yeonjun cried into hands. "They took her away from us and all we could do was sit there and watch them hurt her."

Soobin hugged him tightly. "I'm so sorry."

"I wish I could go back I could've did something I could've-"

"Don't beat yourself Junnie. You did what you could your brother and dad should've been proud."'

He shoved him off standing up. "My brother blamed me and my father blamed both of us!" He yelled, angry tears running down his face. "That man, he didn't have a single sentimental bone in his body. He punished us, beat us until we couldn't walk, until our bodies gave out! He called us weak and pathetic for letting them take her!"

"But you know that's not true."

"Yes it is! You don't know anything, you know nothing about me you-Aah!" He touched his head and the room suddenly became blurry.

"Yeonjun!" He ran over and caught him before he hit the floor. "Junnie?" He shook his limp body. "Baby can you hear me? Yeonjun!"

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

I hate waking up and still feeling exhausted

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