Chapter 7

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Seth POV:

First of all, I don't trust Dean, but he asks me to be friends with him. I don't know how to react because I'm scared that he might try to change my mind or do something stupid to attract me. I need a little time to get comfortable with the idea that is halting my path.

When nothing gets into my mind, I get frustrated and lean back against the chair. Probably the worst timing; I blush as my knees accidentally touch Dean's under the table. My heart skips a beat and makes me recall the promise that I've with Roman.

I'm not confident with the distinct idea, even so, I'm a person, and I want to keep the promise to my brother at least. Yeah... There is no intention in my heart of falling in love. Then why do I get scared of him?

Getting closer to him or even being in love with him is not my idea, so I have to deal with it. And I don't need to worry much because he isn't treating me wrong anytime. So why don't I give him a chance?

If it's not for me, then I will try it for my brother. I think to myself and shake my hand with him, providing a small smile. "Friends."

Now he is smiling sheepishly and nod. "Thank you for accepting me as your friend, at least." With that, the topic seems to work out but, there is still a lot to talk about. "Hmm... well, my cousin Baron has organized a party with his fiancée. Can you join the party with me? As a friend, please..."

"Um," I don't know whether I want to accept his invitation or not, but I melt when his icy blue eyes are pleading with me. The words actually make sense to me. "Hmm.. okay." I nod because I don't have the heart to say 'no' to that icy blue eye.

He jumps in his seat happily and gets up from the chair. "I'll pick you up at 6.30 pm this Saturday. Be ready."

"Okay." I nod as I also stand up with him. For now, we had skipped into another topic because we finally sorted out the fattest issue. I feel a little different after talking with him.

When we make our way out of the cafe, he signals me to go inside my office and makes sure I'm safe. He then waves a hand at me and crosses the road to reach his car.

I lean against the door and watch him go. I don't know why I am standing here still, but I want to. I hope he will be safe on his drive home. With a sigh, I move away and go to start the work that I have a lot.

Dean POV:

To be a surprise, Baron is at home when I arrive. He is watching a movie or some show that I don't know but peel himself off the couch as soon as he hears me enter. "Hey." He meets me in the hallway to hold me back from hiding in my room right away. "How did it go?"

Well, I told Baron also because he would worry if he heard this news from others before me. I can't help but grin at him. I haven't even planned on running straight to my room. "A lot better than I thought it would. Thanks for kicking my ass, and you knew all that. Really helped."

"Did you tell him everything?" He asks expectantly, wanting to know everything that has happened. It isn't shocked at all because it doesn't bother him as well.

"Yeah, I did." I smile, throwing my hands in the air, and feeling that I have the entire world.

"And?" He looks up in my face once again because he wants to study my face, what I have hidden from him. If nothing else, he at least needs the power to see what is going on.

"What?" I'm not going to make it easy. I have to laugh at his reaction.

"What what? Did he say he liked you back, did he believe your words, did you make out or anything?" He is too damn curious, really.

"Slow down, tiger." I reach out to pat his lower arm. "We went for coffee, not on a date." Again, I have to laugh.

"Wouldn't get those ideas if you'd tell me. And also, I know you very well, so don't act like this idea is absolutely impossible." We both find our way back to the living room and sit down on the couch.

"All right, well, we had a pleasant talk. Everything went well. Instead of becoming Seth's boyfriend, I just left the cafe as his friend." I answer honestly, almost visualizing the cafe's incident.

"You kidding?" He starts acting like a child, but he can't bring himself to care.

"Nope," I respond, and a smile lay on my face.

Shock has written on his face, mixed with confusion and a bit of curiosity. "Don't get me wrong that it's super romantic and all it's just not you, you know? I've never seen you like this."

"Maybe it's time for a change." My mind is turning over to the much more tolerable and dreamlike. What does the future have for me anymore?

He looks at me for a moment. His eyes muster me suspiciously, but eventually, he leaves me alone. "You know what? I like this guy." He says instead.

I laugh at him and push myself off the couch. "Well, everyone like my sweetheart without seeing him." I'm sure my cheeks will hurt later from all this laughing and grinning, but it feels good.

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