Chapter 31

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Dean POV:

The alarm wakes me up at 7.15 am, and I feel like crap. I'd only gotten four hours of sleep because I spent too much time in a bar last night. My head hurt along with my tummy, and I feel sick. In order to take a shower, I pull myself out of bed and make my way over to the bathroom.

After a proper shower, brushing my teeth, and putting on fresh clothes, I feel a lot better, but still not perfect. So I make my way downstairs and flop down on the couch, stroking my temple gently.

Moving will do my body good since my muscles feel tight and a little itchy. Since Seth is not getting into my eyes yet, I feel annoyed until a hand lays down on my shoulder, and I turn around to look at him.

The familiar warmth makes me smile, and I lean in for a kiss. "Hey, you look good." He's wearing a pretty tight tank top and gym shorts.

"Thanks." He smiles and hands me the glass of water with an aspirin. It will help with my hangover. Once I drain the painkiller with water, he strokes my hair gently and tries to comfort me. "Are you okay?"

"Sure, why wouldn't I be?" I grin, pulling him into my lap and staring at him. "Didn't get that much sleep, and I was still kinda hangover. I'm sorry, sweetheart. Hadn't meant to leave you worried."

"Well, I wanted to say something to you." He says, thinking about something serious. "Don't take me wrong. Please.. try not to drink much. And I got worried about waiting for you until 3 pm last night."

"God, I'm sorry. So, sorry, Seth." I lean down for another kiss. I have to comfort him before he's stressed about me even more. I pull him against my chest and hold him tightly, pushing a strand of hair off his face. "You have rights to demand me, even punish me, sweetheart. So, don't be shy. I get it! I promise I'll never drink too much. And last night was the end of my late coming.."

He nods, and a smile lay on his face. "It's fine."

Bringing a smile back on his face costs nothing, but it gives me much. His smile makes me smile because it comes from his heart. Sometimes I can see his smiling face in my mind because his eyes are smiling too.

His beautiful brown eyes are staring at me, holding a smile just for me as I look into his eyes. Does he see what I get in his eyes? Is it real or just my imagination? Is he smiling right now? I'm smiling because just as I have told his smile makes me smile.

With that pleasant feeling, I leave the house and go in for a run. It goes by fast, and I'm right; it really does good for my body. I leave my hangover behind more and more, and by the time I return to my home, I feel like I've not partied the last night at all.

I walk over to the kitchen and grab a water bottle from the refrigerator, emptying it while leaning against the counter. Eventually, Seth enters the kitchen and comes over. As I want to lean in for a kiss, he pulls back. I raise my eyebrows, and a questioning look finds my face.

"Why didn't you tell me, Dean?" His voice sound hurt, and I don't get it.

"Tell you what?" I reach my hand out for him, but he steps back and shakes his head, frustrated.

"Please.. Don't act stupid, just tell me. You could have said something before. You didn't have to do all those things for me. You could have.. done it without all this." He throws his hands in the air and signifies the surrounding. "If you wanted to be with girls so bad, Dean, why did you even marry me?" He asks with tears in his eyes. In our life, I know a little tear must fall someday, but it's not the moment that I've expected.

I'm so goddamn confused, which must have been written all over my face. Seth's tears are a sign of my weakness! They are a genuine expression of the pain and love that live together in his heart. "Because I love you. I don't want to be with any girl, Seth. What are you even talking about?"

"Dean, come on. I knew why you came late last night, and I didn't get how you could lie to my face like that." His voice seems broken out of trust now.

"Sweetheart, you knew everything. Now what the fuck is your problem?" My tone has raised as I start getting frustrated.

He hesitates once more. It seems to be hard for him to focus, and I can see the white in his eyes turning a little red. I pray to God that nothing goes wrong because I have no clue how to deal with this. "Yeah, I knew everything except about the girl that you were celebrating last night. I hoped she was worth it, Dean. I mean, I get it. She is a pretty girl and looks hot. I just... I hoped she could give you last night what I wasn't ready to give you yet." He whimpers, wiping his tears away.

It makes a click in my head. Someone had told him about the dance last night, and someone had clearly told him a couple of lies as well. "Seth, stop. I didn't sleep with Mandy. I didn't do anything with her. We just dance, that's it."

"Yeah, sure." He shakes his head. "I don't want to hear your lie anymore. Just.. leave me alone, okay? When you said it was fine for you to wait, I believed you, but obviously, you were not. So please, go ahead and do whatever, but I'm not gonna play along. That's not who I am." And with that, he turns around and makes a wrong decision by just letting the topic hanging in the air.

I won't let him go that easily, though. "Seth, wait. Let me explain. I swore to God that I didn't sleep with her." I try holding him back by grabbing his wrist and swirling him around. Watching the silent tears in his eyes made me heartbroken. "Seth." My voice is a lot softer now. "Listen to me, sweetheart. I swear, all we have done is a dance. My friends provoked me last night and bet if I didn't dance with Mandy, they would doubt I was a man anymore, and it just made me angry. But nothing happened, I swear."

The expression on his face turns a little bitter. "So it's okay just because you have to prove yourself somehow? It's okay to dance with a girl just because your goddamn ego can't deal with your friends being assholes? Let me go, Dean." He shakes my hand off and leaves the kitchen.

"Seth!" I follow him to another room, but instead of heading upstairs, he makes his way outside. Does this mean he leave the house and.. me? I stun in shock and hold my breath in my throat, glancing at him.

He stops in midway and turns to look at me in the eyes, "You're just like my dad!" Fresh tears run down his cheeks, but he wipes them away quickly and leaves the house.

"Seth!!" I yell his name again, but he doesn't stop. Within seconds, my world has turned around, my mood has gone from the best down to the worst. I need to find out whom the fuck has told him about last night. I need to find out who the fuck, and I'm going to make them pay for it.

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