Chapter 34

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Seth POV:

I hum under my breath as I put the chicken in the oven. It's been a week since I have prepared food in this kitchen for ourselves. And it looked like never been used for the past week, so I wanted to break it in myself. Yeah... We're in our home now. We returned here last night without spending a night at my house because Dean wanted to.

When I stepped into the house last night, I got shocked because it was trashed. It evidenced how much he was drunk and cried while I was not here. It hadn't been a pretty time for both of us, but I hated myself for the pain I had caused him.

I sigh and try to forget the worst moments, wanting to bring happiness again. With the chicken in the oven and the potatoes on the counter, I wash my hands and go to the living room, where Dean is lying, just changing the channels repeatedly on the television. It is out of whack once more.

"I think you've passed this channel like four times now." I sit beside him and push the cold beer away that's against his side. "Just pick something already."

"Nothing looks good." He sits up on the couch and pulls me closer against him. His breath tickles on my skin as he nuzzles in the back of my neck, pressing a small kiss there.

"Yeah, well, you're making me motion sick by doing that." I take the remote out of his hand and set it aside, letting it stay on the basketball game that is on. "You doing all right?" I can sense the tension in him as he looks at me worriedly.

"Yeah." He cracks open the beer and takes a long drink of it. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Because you kinda look like you're in some other world." I nudge his leg lightly with my foot. "What's on your mind? Just tell me. Please.."

"Hmm... I want to know something." He doesn't realize he is muttering until the words come out. "Who told you that I had slept with Mandy?"

"D-Dean, I-I don't want... just leave it." I get confused and unhappy with the situation because I don't know why he gets into this topic now. "I wouldn't have believed even if Renee told me to."

"So it was Renee?!" He snaps up his face to look at me, and I nod slightly. At that, my face turns darker.

"Please don't.. take her wrong. You know she cares about me a lot." I try to make him understand how much she cares for me, not wanting him to get into a fight with her. We are family so angry at one another will not right.

"Yeah... I understand." He tries to calm down and presses a kiss on my temple. A few seconds later, he wrinkles his nose and rubs it carelessly. "I think something is burning. Go check it." He pushes me slightly and makes me run to the kitchen.

Dean POV:

So the cause for everything that has happened between us is Renee! But why? What did she get of separating us, huh? Something is going on behind my back, and I should have taken care of it. What might be the next move that I expect from her, anyway? Or should I clear this problem on my way?

My thoughts are interrupted when Seth calls me from the kitchen. I sigh and switch off the television before making my way to him. A chuckle escapes from my lips as I see him looking at the burned chicken in awe.

I shake my head playfully and stand next to him, placing my hand on his shoulder and squeezing it gently. "What?" I frown, taking in everything but asking quietly.

He looks at me, worried, and leans his head against my shoulder, "It burned.."

"Don't worry, sweetheart. We will order something from outside." I reassure him and order the food from Carelli. I help him clean the kitchen until the doorbell sounds. I excuse myself to answer it, knowing who it might be.

"Food's here," I announce as I bring the ordered food to the dining room and place it on the table. I unpack the food one by one carefully and wink at Seth, inviting him to come over.

He walks up to me and looks over the food. "Looks good." He says and serves everything on the plate for both of us.

We eat the food in silence, getting into our thoughts. It seems different for us to survive in our world for a few minutes, but what can we do? When he's about to wash his hands, his phone starts ringing and breaks the silence in the room. "Dean, just check my phone, please.." He says, giving me a small smile and leaving the room.

Anger flairs in my eyes as the screen reflects Renee's name on it. How dare she is to call him? What lies she wants to prefer to him this time? I can't control the anger that boils up in me, so I swipe the screen irritatedly and put the device up to my ear, "What?"

"Hey uh, Dean! Well, where's Seth?" She asks in a concerned tone. Oh, she wants to tell him something big about me this time!

While rolling my eyes, I stare at my plate and let her repeating the same question for a while. I get irritated by her voice, so I don't want to hear it anymore. I open my mouth to say something but stop when a crucial question arises in my mind about how she knows about the club incident. Had she been in the bar as I got danced? I didn't remember.

I snap out of my thoughts when I hear him returning from the kitchen. I don't want him to talk to Renee now, so I try to hang up the phone quickly by replying. "He's busy now." With that, he's entered the dining room and sat beside me.

His eyes plaster on me as he talks to me with his fingers, asking quietly, who's at the other end. When I inform him that it's his cousin, he grabs the phone from me excitedly and talks to her for a few minutes I wish to erase from our life.

After ending the call, he approaches me with a smiling face and buries his head in my chest, wrapping his arms around me. "Renee invited us to the carnival tomorrow, which I begged her to take me before our wedding. Now it has the right time! Shall we join her?"

"Yeah.." I don't want to stress him out, so only I accept it. I don't know how I will react when I see his cousin, but I wish I won't create a drama in front of him because it will worry him.

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