Chapter 28

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Dean POV:

We are spending our time at Seth's house, just as we have planned yesterday. The television is running in front of me, but my attention is all over my sweetheart, who grabs a pillow and places it on his lap, elbowing his head on it.

With a chuckle, I pull the younger male into my lap and run my fingers through his hair. For a moment, we are just quiet and look at each other. "You're beautiful. You're the prettiest thing in the world." There I'm playing with the sugar coating words with him and feel the tickle in his belly.

"Stop." He blushes hard and leans forward to hide his face in the crook of my neck. "You're handsome. You have nothing to worry about."

I chuckle and am about to say something, but my phone starts buzzing on the table. "Hand me that?" I ask him who will be able to reach it more easily.

When he hands me over the phone, I pick it up. "What's up?" Okay, that isn't all too nice. He stays in my lap because I place my hand on his hip. With my thumb, I rub over the skin right above the edge of his skinny jeans.

"No, I can't come now." Even though I'm not looking at him as I speak, I roll my eyes and throw back my head on the headboard. "You have to discuss it with Baron or figure it out on your own. I'm busy." I hang up the phone and put it down next to our legs on the bed.

"Sorry. Office problem." I reply to my sweetheart, and he nods as an answer. I smile and give him a peck on his lips before turning our attention to a quiz show on television.

"You know the answer to this one?" I ask with my raspy voice and notice that he seems a little sleepy. We are all tangled up in each other by now. His head is on my chest, one of his legs has thrown over my hips while I wrap my arm around his shoulders tightly.

"No." He doesn't even read the question because his eyes are half-closed. It's just that I notice how tired he is.

"You wanna sleep?" I ask, knowing everything that we have to do. We have few hours to get ready for our flight, so taking a nap won't be a problem.

He nods slowly and moves to lie on the bed, staring at me for a few moments before drifting into sleep. While letting him drift over, I grab my phone from the bed and run downstairs, having a conversation with Roman.

After a few minutes, I notice that it's time for us to leave, so I go upstairs to his room and wake him up from his sleep. With blinking eyes, he gets up from the bed and rubs the slumber out of his eyes, thinking about something.

While he's freshened up, I grab our bags and load them in the car. After completing my thing, I walk over to my mother-in-law and talk to her casually until a loud thud gets my attention and makes me turn around to see Seth collapsing on the floor.

I run over to him and pull him into my arms, shaking him gently. "Hey sweetheart, wake up. Wake up!!" My eyes roll in the back of my mind while seeing his condition and glancing around to notice Renee at the top of the stair blankly.

I grit my teeth and try to approach her, wanting to know what has happened, but with Seth in my arms, I can't. I pat his cheek and try to wake him up, but he still doesn't respond. The blood is trickling along the side of his temple and makes me tense a bit.

Quickly I lift him in a bridal style and carry him to his room, letting him lay on the bed while Roman is calling the doctor. I glance at Renee and watch her every activity as she sits on the other side of the bed and strokes his hair gently. "Sorry, I-I accidentally knocked you out." She mutters to the unconscious Seth with tears in her eyes, knowing I'll kill her if she tells this to me.

Anger flair into my eyes, but Roman comes here at the right time and tries to calm me. After a few moments, the doctor arrives and checks Seth's condition, saying that he is fine, but he needs some rest. She puts an injection on him and gives some painkillers for him, making sure it will help him.

I sigh and take my phone out to cancel the flight before sitting beside him. Nothing matters to me other than him, so I will do anything for him. I lean forward and press a featherlight kiss on his forehead while my free hand is stroking over his cheek. I stare at him worriedly because he still doesn't open his eyes, and the band-aid on his head has specks of blood.

Seth POV:

The sun starts to peek over the horizon and gently streams into my bedroom. I open my eyes slowly and try to move, but my head is hurting like a bitch. I hold my head tightly and whine a little while trying to move again, but still, I can't when I feel a warm weight across my middle.

I freeze and look down to see Dean wrapping his arms around me. I can't help but smile, relishing the warmth of him against me a little longer. I lay here for a few moments and close my eyes, trying to drift off but get startled when I realize our trip to Hawaii.

"Dean!" I try to wake him up, wanting to talk to him urgently, but he groans and curls a little closer to me while his fingers tightening around me. With a small smile, I shake him gently and try to bring him back to consciousness.

He opens his eyes slowly and sits beside me, giving me a concerned look. "Morning, sweetheart. How do you feel now?"

"I feel better." I get up slowly and take his hand in mine, rubbing it gently. "I'm sorry. I-I couldn't fulfill your happiness this time as well. I didn't mean-" The words stop in my throat when he shuts me off by pressing his lips on mine.

"You don't need to apologize to me. You're important now, not the honeymoon. We wanna plan our trip later once you've fully recovered." He soothes me with gentle words and presses a light kiss on my cheek.

I give him a big smile before curling against him and putting my head on my husband's chest. We stay quiet for a few minutes until Renee shows up with a tray in her hands and gives me a soft smile. As I'm about to respond, he excuses himself and leaves the room quickly. Maybe he has some significant work to do.

"Hey," I wave a hand at her and pat the space beside me, not wanting her to feel for me.

Instead of sitting on the bed, she walks over to the bedside table and puts the tray on it. "If you're thinking just like your husband that I'm hurting you on purpose, I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to hurt you." She says quietly, still not facing me.

I don't know what makes her think like this. She's my cousin! How could she hurt me on purpose? Never! "Hey, it's just an accident. There's no fault in you. I should have been careful at that moment." I try to convince her, hoping she won't blame her at all.

She turns to look at me with a worried face and hands me my medicine, letting out a disappointed sigh. "How's your head?"

"It's little hurting, but it's okay." I give her a soft smile, trying to soothe the situation.

She frowns and looks away again, grabbing the tea bag from the tray. "Dean is mad at me!" She puts the tea bag in a cup and pours the water on it, letting the whole thing rest. "H-He yelled at me that your honeymoon trip was canceled because of me." After a couple of minutes, she throws the tea bag in the trash and hands the cup to me. "I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to interrupt your happiness."

I hold the cup tightly without caring about the temperature because she's thinking wrong about him. "Hey, he wouldn't mean like that. If you think like that, I'm sorry for whatever has happened."

A small smile curls on her lips as she looks at me helplessly. "Dean is not what you're thinking, Seth. You should try to give him what he wants, or your life will be hanging in the thread." She walks over to the door and stands in midway, narrowing her eyes at me. "Now I feel sorry for you, not your condition!" With that, she sighs and leaves the room quickly.

I put the cup on the bedside table without taking a single sip and lean against the headboard, thinking about her words. I don't know what is happening around me. I know my husband well than anyone, so nothing will change my thought about him. But a mild confusion crosses my mind about why should she talk shit about him even if she's a good friend of him?

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